Fri, 25 Jun 1999 20:42:43 -0600

Wow! I have really got a lot of response to posting those diagrams. I've
just spent the last 2.5 hours responding to over 22 emails! This is
great things are finally getting going. I just have one request of
everyone who writes me, please put the discussion list's address in the
carbon copy thing, so the listserver gets a copy (unless you don't want
everyone else to read your message). That way others questions can be
answered by reading our emails, and addition interest and information
can come forth. Remember sharing is the KEY. The more freely we all
share information, the faster we are going to build something that
works. I am going to work on updates for my page, I've got some info to
add as well as some ideas I have about construction the device. I have
got some people asking me what I am going to build my cones out of,
after several hours of thought I think I have a simple solution for cone
construction. I let you know when the update is finished and uploaded.
-Justin Szymanek
Owner Of Underground Sciencez