More on the Aten Band

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 23 Jun 1999 22:23:19 -0500

Hi Folks!

A couple of years ago, I finally put down on paper some observations
about the ring around an object that allows it to reduce weight;

Overcome by curiosity, Harris went outside and engaged the old man in
a long conversation, during which the latter claimed he had inherited
the secret of antigravity from his late uncle. "Weight is no object
to me," he said. "I suspend all gravity by placing a small wire around
an object.

The law of gravity appears in the light of Keely's experiments but one
manifestation of a law which provides for the reversion of the
process of attraction in the shape of a process of repulsion. Keely, by
means of a belt and certain appliances which he wore upon his person
moved single-handed, a 500 horsepower vibratory engine from one
part of his shop to another, without a scratch on the floor, and
astounded engineers declared it could not have been moved without a
derrick, to use which would have required the removal of the roof.

Demonstrating the overcoming of gravity, Keely used an airship model
weighing about 8 lbs., which when the differentiated wire of silver
and platinum was attached to it, communicating with the
sympathetic transmitter, rose, descended, or remained stationary midway,
the motion as gentle as that of thistledown floating in the air.

The experiment illustrating "chord of mass" sympathy was repeated,
using a glass chamber, 40 inches in height, filled with water,
standing on a slab of glass.

Three metal spheres weighing about 6 ounces each, rested on the glass
floor. The chord of mass of these spheres was B flat first octave,
E flat second octave and B flat third octave.

Upon sounding the note B flat on the sympathetic transmitter, the
sphere having that chord of mass rose slowly to the top of the chamber,
the positive end of the wire having been attached, which connected
the covered jar with the transmitter.

The same result followed the sound of the other spheres, all of which
descended as gently as they rose, upon changing the positive to the
negative. J.M. Wilcox, who was present remarked:

"This experiment proves the truth of a fundamentallaw in scholastic
philosophy, that when one body attracts or seeks another body, it is
not that the effect is the sum of the effects produced by parts of
one body upon parts of another, one aggregate of effects, but the
result of the operation of one whole upon another whole."

(the Cartesian Diver argument has been used to explain this if the
spheres were hollow, but no one has yet duplicated it publicly using
sound or pressure...>>> Jerry)

A newspaper article written while Keely was still living tells the story
of the iron sphere. It seems that the newshound who wrote the article
had gone to see Keely for possible newsworthy information. He found the
inventor in his laboratory tearing a large hole in the floor. Keely
greeted the reporter but did not seem to be in a talkative mood as he
appeared quite busy. After enlarging the hole, Keely attached a strange
belt with several mechanisms built into it to his waist. He then
attached a thin wire leading from the belt to a large sphere resting in
the corner of the laboratory.

After a few moments of intense concentration by Keely the ponderous
globe slowly lifted a few inches from the floor. Keely then
"floated" the iron sphere over to the hole in the floorboards and
allowed the huge mass to settle gently to the ground below the floor
level. After a few adjustments to the belt mechanism Keely again
seemed lost in rapt concentration. This time the globe slowly but
inexorably settled itself into the earth, buried by the opposite of
levitation; namely, supergravity. Keely had evidently caused the
apparent mass of the sphere to increase to such an extent that it sank
into the firm earth much as a heavy rock sinks into mud. The inventor
told the reporter that he was merely making room in his lab and clearing
away outmoded equipment.

While Major Ricarde-Seaver, F.R.S., was in Philadelphia, he witnessed
this same gravity belt in operation. The Major saw Keely move a large
500 horsepower vibratory engine from one part of his lab to another.
The astounded engineer pronounced the feat impossible without the aid
of a crane which would have meant the removal of the roof of the
laboratory. The gravity belt was but one step towards Keely's
"airship" or "aerial navigator" as he called it. (4)
Mark Solis sent this in as additional insights into this...thanks Mark!
Check this out:

Get a load of THIS:

But if gravity really "blows", rather than "sucks",
and that "blowing" is the force of the universal aether
raining down upon us in a net downward direction because
the earth is blocking the opposing flow from the other
side, then perhaps we can build devices that generate
a net OPPOSING "aether-wind"---and perhaps we can
cancel those gravitational vectors to zero---AND FLOAT,
MAKING (capitals mine---MAS). Now THERE'S an interpretation
of Tom Bearden's "zero-vector = electrogravity" concept
that seems to make some sense.

It would appear that the "band" is a TOROIDAL COIL,
or possibly a PAIR of such coils, or even an array.
See this URL also:

What do you think?

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187