Re: Leedskalnin's secret solved

mrkipper ( (no email) )
Tue, 22 Jun 1999 20:39:13 -0400


I'm trying to get my mind wrapped around this. What I think your saying
is that Leedskalnin levitated stones for Coral Castle by inducing in them a
strong diamagnetic state caused by creating in them a superconducting state.
This superconducting state was created by forming a standing wave in the
stone by exposing it to a sound that was at the correct frequency
(specifically the stone's resonant frequency). This would induce a standing
wave of vibrations in the stone's interior, allowing the formation of
Cooper's pair configuration electrons. The flow of Cooper pairs in the
stone creates the Meisner effect. Or is the superconducting flow set up in
Leedskalnin's body? At any rate this strong diamagnetic field then repulses
the magnetic force lines which are found at the Coral Castle site (also,
where is this?).
This part I think I understand fairly well, if I've got some details
confused please correct me. The part thats really throwing me for a loop is
the "Sacred Sounds" part.
An octave is a group of eight notes each separated from the others by a
particular interval. So what you are describing are a series of notes
separated by an interval based on the ratios of 7:5 and pi (the ratio of a
circle's diameter to its circumference) : e (the natural logrithmic ratio?).
This is where I lose it. You mentioned prime numbers (starting with
1,2,3,5,7,11 ...) and the Fibonacci series (which I think has to do with
fractals but I don't remember just how right now).
Ok you said,

"The Sacred chord is composed of the first three Prime Numbers and just
happen to intersect the first three numbers in the Fibonacci Series: 2,3 and
5. Both considered to "Sacred Number Series". These then are in a octive
resonantly tuned correspondence system tied to the Platonic solids
delimiting the range of Three Space".

Ok so the octave begins at 1 then 2 then 3 then 5 then... then I lose it
again. What is an "octive resonantly tuned correspondance system"? I'm
thinking that it is an octive which matches (is the resonance frequency of)
the Platonic solids (which I only vaguely remember from geometry; cube,
tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron... something like that).
These notes (1,2,3,5,...) are they the frequency of the notes? 1 hertz,
2 hertz, etc. or have I gotten lost again?

You can see how confused I am by this but I find it tremendously
interesting. I've always felt that sounds had their own intrinsic power
even before I'd heard of all the various "legendary" references to them. If
anyone can help clear this up for me I would be very grateful.