
Mon, 21 Jun 99 17:13:50 PST

To all,
Does anybody out there on this list have any enlightening ideas or thoughts on ways to use zpe, aether engineering, gravity-control, freenergy(all of the above labels probably are describing the same thing?)to maybe convert our everyday common road vehicles(cars, boats, trucks, motorcycles, bikes, sailboats, personal watercraft, bus, rvs)so we wont need to use roads anymore. I am talking of teleportation or flight!!
Maybe also some ideas on transmutation. If from what I have been hearing, we can obtain hydrogen from the ocean, lakes, rivers or faucets then maybe there is a way to transmutate a simple but sturdy strong and effective metal or alloy so we can home build the hull body structure of modern day vimanas or hulls-bodies for the hardware that might make conventional road vehicle(s) fly efficiently like a black smith did 100
+ years ago!!
Edward Webber
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