re:Low Level Magnetic field skin rejuvenator

mrkipper ( (no email) )
Sun, 13 Jun 1999 18:13:10 -0400


Nice to be here. I'm very new so if I do something wrong just let me
know and I'll correct it.
I remember reading a book about 2 years ago the title of which I think
was "The Body Electric" or something very similar to that. In this book the
author discusses several experiments with changes of voltages in the human
body which caused the creation of what I seem to remember being called
"bolus" formations. These formations were where groups of cells (typically
in a wound site) would de-differentiate into a mass of general cells (not
specialized as in muscle cells or nerve cells, etc.). After an appropriate
size was reached (I don't remember what determined the critical size), the
cells would re-differentiate back into whatever cells were appropriate to
the area. Which would effectively regenerate the area. This technique was
apparently used to heal various types of injures, including lost fingers and
the leg of a young man which was crushed in an accident. Perhaps the
magnetic fields in the patents change the voltage of the skin in some
Just a thought in which you might be interested.
