Petrovoltaic Experimenter

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 12 Jun 1999 12:31:07 -0500

Hi Folks!

The following was sent to my email and I think the guy wants advice so
please read and if you have any info to offer either post to the list or
directly the Brent, thanks.
Subject: petrovoltaic
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 21:27:43 -0500
From: brent christensen <>

Hi gang, I'm very interested in the petrovoltaic ideas presented a while
back; could someone give me some urls for further research? I am a gem
cutter and have a diamond saw. it would be easy for me to saw many slabs
of various materials such as basalt or quartz or garnet or whatever.

My saw cuts pieces up to about inch and a half max in as thin as i can
do carefully about 2 or 3 mm but should be enough to try concept. seems
to me that a slab of basalt with metal [ which metal or different on
each side?] on each side is a simple capacitor with more cap possible
with thinner slabs vs. voltage rating decreaseing as it gets thinner and
stacking like a battery yeilds lower capacity, higher voltage breakdown

Typical radio crystal in your cb or scanner is a slab of quartz about 2
or 3 mm thick with slightly lense shaped with silver plated copper on
each side. or plated with electrode right on the quartz.

Different orientation of the quartz cystal [a hexagon rod with sort of a
pyramid tip; cutting your slab parrellel to length vs. right angle to
length vs. various angles changes characteristics such as temperature
stability. [resonance or frequency is controlled by thickness and
pressure and can be varyed with grinding thinner to go up higher]

If the nuclear battery idea applys then some stones do have residual
radiation mostly low level although radon scares a few years ago in
basements do hint at higher levels possible.many gemstones have been
used as radio crystals with vaying results; i read tourmaline was used
in ww2 by germany which drifted a lot due to heating from tube type

Tourmaline is very electric material and stones tend to gather dust
quickly. some rare {blue i think} diamond are even conductive and can be
made semicondutive to build transistors if very pricey so these are a
few thoughts any feedback ?

Sometimes o/u ideas can clash with 'accepted' science ideas but perhaps
a tread to follow still exists. thanks please no more kosovo stuff, yes
we NEED this tech and perhaps this would solve some problems but others
will develope never fear.....

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187