re: politics and wars

OroBlanco ( )
10 Jun 99 22:07:48 EDT

Hi All,

I have seen a number of posts on the conflict in Kosova and opinions as t=
o who
is to blame, etc. I have also seen the posts saying this is not the place=
argue these matters, and I agree. I think we all should agree to disagre=
e and
try to keep things in perspective - we are not in positions of power and
cannot directly affect the outcome in political matters. That much being=
I want to add that all are entitled to their opinions.

I do not understand the concept of aether. Is it a way of describing the=

"fabric" of space/time? Perhaps it is just beyond my comprehension - I a=
m not
known as a genius in any circle! I am basically a tinkerer. Anyway, I a=
wondering if anyone has done any experimenting with methane generation?

Thanks for reading this and keep smiling - you know what they say!


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