drawing PEG; attachment marcel.bmp (?)

marcel stoof ( m_stoof@hotmail.com )
Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:34:02 PDT

Good day all!

I'm glad I had some good reactions on my email about the personal energy
generator... I made a simple picture in 'paint' as attachment (bmp-image...I
never did an attachment before in hotmail so I hope I did it right). As for
the ones who see this device as a potential FE-device in the way of
generating electricity / mechanical power... I think it's possible with the
right symbol(s) and spiritual treatment (like the right 'blessing'...I don't
know a better word in English), and I'm also curious wether it would work
out, but I also do remember it was NOT the original meaning of this device!
It's really meant to help people in reaching more understanding, rest, cure
and less fear, less "why am I on earth- sadness" in their lives. That's why
a personal symbol and colour are used for the PEG...to create the right,
personal energy.

I hope the drawing is a bit clear, please don't hesitate in asking more
details...I've no secrets about this.

As for practical results with this device: a friend who was worried to much
all the time about his acting, and who was always thinking, thinking,
thinking instead of more just being, who couldn't sleep well because of
sadness and bad reactions to people he had...: since I gave him a peg (with
his personal symbol and colour of course) he sleeps better, feels better,
has more and more easy interaction with people and hears that he's being
really meaningfully friendly lately.

A girl who had very, very much pain at her cycle-time (what's it called in
English? menstruation..?) for more than 15 years, had no pain any more.

These stories are not to prove anything, nor to make myself popular or
something cheap like that... it's just the experiences I heard from people
who run this device with respect.

greetings from Holland,


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