Re: personal energy generator
Tue, 08 Jun 1999 22:30:15 -0600

Hello Marcel et all!
This indeed sounds like a simple and promising experiment. If the
energies can be felt and even sometimes seen, we may just have a ZPE tap
here folks. Besides that the device sounds most interesting.
So Marcel, you said that you build a prototype out of Lego, and you
could "feel" effects while it was running. Could you maybe give us some
dimensions to go on. A simple black a white diagram made in paintbrush
would really be nice if possible. I may be able to construct a nice 3d
model (time permitting) of the device if I could get a simple drawing of
what it look likes. At the very least I think the PEG is something that
we should investigate. It does sound like it is very "cool" to say the
The one thing I am having a bit of trouble understanding what the
"personal symbols" and "personal colored plates" are. You also mention
magnetic fields too. Maybe you can clear this up for us Marcel.
One last question, can the PEG help or promote healing at all? Have
you seen it help things like this?
I would (and I think I speak for everyone) appreciate any more info you
can provide us with.
Thanks for your time,
-Justin Szymanek