RE: Dotto Ring & Diamagnetism

Carrigan, Ken ( (no email) )
Tue, 8 Jun 1999 09:48:58 -0400

Very interesting IBM patient. I noticed though one
interesting point. Static fields of HOT and COLD
on the ring, with disimilar metal junctions... the
results of which gave some .156 millivolts and
30,000amps. Now the interesting point here.. is
that the current and voltage is NOT DC, but AC or
100kHz, with a 10kHz modulation! From static fields
to dynamic fields, to me that in itself is amazing.
So the magnetic field is not DC but is AC, where
the poles will oscillate back and forth at 100kHz
and with a modulation of 10kHz?? Wish there was
more explaination of these results.

Very interesting though... maybe some keys here to
creating an oscillating magnetic field. Now, also
you can take what this dotto ring does and transform
it into useable current and voltage, since it oscillates
at 100kHz.. should be easy!

v/r Ken Carrigan

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Wayne Decker
Sent: 6/4/99 4:31 PM
Subject: Dotto Ring & Diamagnetism

Hi Folks!

With regard to the Dotto ring, which Dotto claimed he
used to cure diseases and halt aging by virtue of what
was the same force which moves and sustains the
planets, using an essentially zero voltage at an
estimated 30,000 amps.