Re: Research into free energy claims.

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 07 Jun 1999 00:49:51 -0500

Hi Ren et al!

Well, I wouldn't get my hopes up about a lot of responses of
use....<g>....though hope springs eternal I fear the net incarnation
will never achieve the BBS discussions. I've seen some old motors but
none older than about 1950-60, never seen anything older except as you
said, in museums...the Smithsonian has a collection of old motors and
electrical devices, with some very, very large dynamos.

I had taken a lot of pictures when I was at the Smithsonian a couple of
years ago and have been intending to make up a page or a few pages to
show the tiny area they provide for about four Tesla devices with a huge
area devoted to is pathetic....but then GE, Westinghouse
and Edison Electric are all noted as being major benefactors for this
section of the Smithsonian...just didn't seem right to have so few
exhibits on Tesla and although I think he was less than honest, fair is
fair, he should have at least as much space and historical credit as

Anyway, the article did say it was a pulsating current at 280 volts. I
might have another article or so that describes this squeezing of the
soft spot in a the moment, I don't recall where that was
written, come to think of it, that was HENDERSHOT, not Hubbard.

I remember at the time of that article, the closest correlation I had
was to Hendershot so that is why that was is a bit
confusing but the devices do appear to be similar.

Yes, it was Lester Hendershot who squeezed the capacitor...I can't
recall ever reading anything about how Hubbard started his coil, but
I'll bet it was something similar.

We should also bear in mind that Moray reportedly would listen through a
headphone that let him hear a shooshing sound that came in waves and
this is what he tuned his device to. Nowadays with the profusion of
radio and other EM waves, that might be difficult to detect, though a
recent discovery might help with this.

In other words, he adjusted the capacitance until he picked up this
noise, then let it build as the resonance connected and allowed the
extraction of power.

One point of interest, Chuck Henderson has written this most excellent
paper that I am still working to get online. It reports on a peculiar
acoustic signature associated with vortexes and wouldn't it be
interesting if that signature was what Moray was listening FOR?????

That once his circuit was resonating with that acoustic pattern, the
focus of the energy vortex would be drawn to feed the circuit?? Kind of
like an energy tornado whose tip can be dragged over to dump its energy
into a properly tuned and receptive circuit.

The same could be said for Hubbard or Hendershot, that this vortex tip
could be detected OR CREATED by adjusting the capacitance or coil
arrangement...yep, too weird to be possible, but when you see Chucks'
paper you'll see why I'm saying it.

Experiments have been done on remote secondaries tuned to a central
Tesla coil transmitter. John Hutchison got the most interesting results
using these.

In the Hubbard file it says there was one central coil, surrounded by 8
(primary & secondary) coils. I've seen a drawing of this but it only
shows one central primary with 8 secondaries all wound in series. The
central coil was larger and I think had more windings. The difference
from the paper being that these secondaries didn't each have their own
primary and secondary, they were just single coils.

The Cayce no fuel motor post mentions a ratio that has to be achieved
and maintained to garner successful tapping of the flow and I've seen
similar statements about the ratio being critical.

There was a short article years ago about a reverse Tesla coil
arrangement which attracted high voltage atmospheric energy that
discharged into a secondary of lesser turns...thus high voltage/low
current was converted to low voltage/high current.

Then of course there is Perrigo and others who claimed to be able to tap
into a continuous stream of atmospheric electricity that would run
lamps, motors and even their house.

The key is to detect the flow and lock in the tune (resonant) which
would open the path to the least possible resistance so that the width
of the signal or the speed of the flow would be determined by the size
of the loads you place on the device.

So we are missing something. I like an analogy that was mentioned a few
months back that the aether/zpe plenum is like a tank full of water, you
poke a tiny hole in the tank and water would stream out to sustain your
load and do work...where water is of course representative of energy.

As you add more and more loads, the hole enlarges to allow more energy
flow to sustain those loads...reduce the load and the hole shrinks so
that only that amount of energy is extracted.

Now one other secretive fellow who claims to have a working device says
you must blow a hole the size of what you will need to sustain your
load, you can't just increase the size of the hole by adding more loads.

I don't think that is so, but he says he has a working circuit that I
hope one day he will share or at the very least sell as a working
circuit or device.

At the time this pinprick hole in the tank comment was made, another
comment was that once this hole was made, the aether/zpe boundary would
rip open and create a black hole or destroy that section of
space..<g>..not likely as it is believed to be self-repairing -
otherwise matter creation that occurs naturally would have long since
shown this effect.

Another reason why this wouldn't happen is that the energy will be
flowing from one high potential to a low potential (our artificial hole
in space) where we allow it to flow back in to regain the high
potential, except that we force it to flow through our loads and do
work. That means our ground would be the high potential???

Let's see, high potential (aether/zpe) everywhere and matter and energy
are areas of less energy density that the high potential flows into
trying to fill it up so there is no polarity.

That would mean for a circuit, we'd have to create the hole as being the
input side (the low potential), and let the ground side be the return
path to rejoin the high potential.

Since this aether/zpe is everywhere and pervades everything we have to
have some way to block or divert the energy to keep it from rejoining
the high potential until we are ready to release it and can allow it to
rejoing ONLY through OUR path in the form of a load.

That kind of thinking leads us to question what is the nature of the
blockage? With orgone energy, the collector and blocker consists of
successive layers of organic and inorganic matter.

Orgone energy accumulates in the organic mass and is blocked by the
metallic inorganic mass. Orgone doesn't like to be concentrated and so
becomes 'hysterical' and highly energetic trying to get away from its
neighbor (much like electricity seeking to explode once accumulated in
high concentrations) an orgone box, the successive layers draw in
ever more orgone that concentrates in the center of the box...becoming
so orgone dense that a blue light is seen, kind of like a big capacitor
that is just looking for a chance to discharge in one gigantic burst or
bleed off to match the ambient.

Speaking of which, isn't it odd how electrolytic capacitors will charge
just sitting on a table, connected to NOTHING?

Anytime we can create a difference of potential it MUST rejoin the
opposite potential until balance is achieved. That means we simply
intercept the flow with our loads to produce work.

Now, using the orgone box as our template and keeping in mind that
aether/zpe is HIGH energy density, that we must create a low density
which will ATTRACT the high density energy trying to fill up the hole,
that means if we have a means of diverting the incoming flow as it tries
to rejoin the high potential, then we make sure it diverts and rejoins
ONLY through our load.

So, we have to figure out what is it that will divert this incoming
energy to a degree that we can get useful currents that will do work,
otherwise we risk quenching the very effect we are trying to achieve.

Knock the little hole in the tank and milk out more and more energy in
discrete stages, like Moray did with his cold cathode tubes with very
high dielectrics. Others have used very high dielectrics and nowadays
we have low voltage, super high dielectric caps which could certainly be
incorporated into our experiments. 5 volts at 1 or more FARADS isn't
uncommon and they aren't that expensive.

With capacitors, to increase the voltage we add them in parallel, to
increase the current, we place them in series, just the opposite of

An antenna mounted to the side of the house or on a pole with a well
insulated wire leading to a bank of high farad series capacitors and
possibly with an adjustable coil to allow tuning, we might have a start.

Though the trick is bleeding them off with some kind of switching
circuit to allow them to dump and offer the least possible resistance to
any incoming energy.

One bank feeds another which feeds another that would feed the load.
Hopefully, the energy flow would increase when properly tuned to allow
the load to be sustained continuously. Enough for tonight, but its a
simple enough experiment...think I'll visit Tanners tomorrow on lunch
and buy me some of those high farad caps...I have an antenna and some
50kv shielded wire that I can hook to a plate on the antenna and run it
into the caps to see what happens.

Come to think of it, about a year ago a guy sent in an email saying he
had such a circuit...I reposted it to the discussion list...essentially
he said the caps charged up and he had a spark gap that drove I think a
lamp or buzzer/bell or something and that it would build up, then
discharge across the spark gap to trigger the load. I think he said
every 5 or 10 minutes, he'd get a burst. But it wasn't tuned, just raw
voltage accumulation....hmmm, worth some tinkering...good night..

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187