Sound healing, ambient DNA music, multimedia and vibrational medicine for heali

Wm Perry ( (no email) )
Sun, 30 May 1999 23:04:44 -1000

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This site is dedicated to healing with sound. Check it out. The sample =
section for the soundexperience part was rather interesting. Looked like =
it might be worth investigating.

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This site is dedicated to healing with sound. Check =it out.=20The sample section for the soundexperience part was rather interesting. =Looked=20like it might be worth investigating.
BillP application/octet-stream; name="Sound healing, ambient DNA music, multimedia and vibrational medicine for healing and balance from Trans-Hyperborean Institute of Science (T.H.I.S.).url"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bitContent-Disposition: attachment; filename="Sound healing, ambient DNA music, multimedia and vibrational medicine for healing and balance from Trans-Hyperborean Institute of Science (T.H.I.S.).url"[DEFAULT]BASEURL=[InternetShortcut]URL=