Re: Interesting Roof mount wind generator

Pat Price ( )
Wed, 26 May 1999 08:22:10 -0700

Jerry et al,
I contacted the Saronan Power Company this morning. Their phone
number ((915) 728-5553) is shown on the web site. After reading your
challenge to actually contact them instead of carping about a drawing
and trying to infer too much from it, as is the tendency of arm chair
engineers, I decided to pick up the gauntlet and make the call.

An older gentleman in Colorado City Texas answered the phone and
finally passed me off to who I am assuming was his wife. She took my
address and promised to sent some "stuff" out to me. When I receive what
ever they send I will have it scanned in and emailed to Jerry and he can
post it on the Keelynet archive.

My own observation is that this company is really a garage shop
operation setup by a retired tinker, which is not to be sneered at
because he is actually doing something. I have seen some above average
engineering in my time by what large groups would call under educated
designers and this gentleman may well fall into that group, time will
tell. Anything other than that would be speculation on my part, not that
I've been above speculating on other subjects on which I knew nothing
about, but I would agree with Jerry that we need to actually look at
hard data.
