Re: Making & Storing Hydrogen gas

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 23 May 1999 13:08:12 -0500

Hi Folks!

I should have added the kilometers to miles conversion since the article
said an electric car could be driven up to 8,000 kilometers.

kilometer n : a metric unit of length equal to 1000 meters
(or 0.621371 miles)

8,000 X .6121371 = 4970.968 miles

Nearly 5,000 miles between cartridge replacements or rechargings.

That's probably based on lab queen calculations where a lab queen is a
device that works perfectly in the controlled conditions of a lab, yet
fails miserably in the often harsh real world conditions.

However, even at 1,000 miles between recharging, that is about 4 tanks
of gasoline at 250 miles per tank. To change your cartridge once per
month wouldn't be bad at all.

You could buy precharged cartridges or have a setup in your garage that
made hydrogen from water and charged your own. The same technology
could be applied to producing power for your house, on a larger scale
involving several cartridges to produce the necessary hydrogen output.

One other item, there was a scientist named Felix Ehrenhaft who claimed
he could use magnets to dissociate water into hydrogen and oxygen. I did
a search and found;

For his "impossible" experiment, Dr. Ehrenhaft employs the simplest of
apparatus. Two shiny rods of pure Swedish iron, sealed in holes through
opposite sides of a U-shaped tube, resemble a setup familiar to
high-school students for breaking up water into hydrogen and oxygen
gases by passing electricity through it.

And that is exactly what would happen if Dr. Ehrenhaft attached electric
wires from a battery to the rods. But he does no such thing.

Instead, he uses the iron rods as pole pieces, or 'north" and "south"
ends, of a magnet - either an electromagnet or a permanent magnet.

Bubbles of gas rise through the twin columns of acidulated water, to be
collected and analyzed. As might be expected, nearly all of the gas is
hydrogen, liberated by a commonplace chemical interaction between the
iron rods and the dilute sulfuric acid, one percent by volume, in the

But the phenomenal part of the experiment is that oxygen also turns up,
Dr. Ehrenhaft recently told the American Physical Society. To be
specific, it is found in clearly measurable proportions ranging from two
to 12 percent of the total volume of gases.

When the gases obtained with a permanent magnet are separated, the
larger proportion of oxygen is found above the north pole of the magnet.
After rigorous precautions - including short-circuiting the magnet poles
with wire, so that the poles will be at the same electric potential -
Dr. Ehrenhaft concludes that there is only one place the oxygen can
possibly come from. And that is from water decomposed with a magnet!

Without a magnet, pure hydrogen is evolved.

There is an interesting sidelight to this experiment. A strong permanent
magnet of the Alnico type suffers a marked loss of strength - say, 10
percent in 24 hours - after being used to decompose water, Dr.
Ehrenhaft observes.

In fact, makers of the magnets, which are supposed to last for years
without material change, have viewed what happens to them with
astonishment and dismay. But no fault lies with their products.

Energy from an electric battery is used up in decomposing water, and it
would be only reasonable to expect energy stored up in a permanent
magnet to be drained likewise.
Pure Magnetic Current;

Prof. Felix Ehrenhaft, noted Vienna physicist, who fled after the Nazi
occupation of Austria, recently presented before the American Physical
Society, meeting at Columbia University, a set of his latest
experiments, carried out in his laboratory in New York, which he said
provided for the first time experimental proof of the existence of pure
magnetic current. This means, he declared, that "not only electric
currents but also magnetic currents flow through the universe."

The presentation of the experiments, illustrated with lantern slides,
created a sensation among the prominent physicists present. They said
that if the experiments described by Professor Ehrenhaft could be
corroborated by others they would mark one of the greatest revolutions
in modern science, to be ranked with the discovery of the principle of
the dynamo by Michael Faraday 113 years ago.

Just as Faraday's discovery marked the ushering in of the age of
electricity, it was pointed out, so this discovery of Professor
Ehrenhaft, assuming the correctness of his results, would mean the
ushering in of a new era in technology based on currents of magnetism.
It would mean, one leading physicist said, that we would double the
possibilities for building machines-for every electrical machine now in
existence we would be able to build a machine utilizing magnetic instead
of electric current.

Hitherto the concept of electromagnetism has been based on the belief,
formulated originally by Peregrinus about 700 years ago, that magnetism
has direction but no motion, and that only electricity can move.
Professor Ehrenhaft's experiments prove for the first time, he said,
that there exist single magnetic charges, either north or south, and
that magnetism flows just as does electricity.-Wm. L. Laurence, in "The
New York Times."
the MagnoGen Motor;

The word "magnetism" denotes an attraction between varying energies,
thus it best describes the basic force of nature which is
attract-attract. The energy of the Universe is a constant, and it is
correct to state that magnetism is a constant.

When we focus on just HOW magnetism is a constant, it is best to know
that EVERYTHING is made of magnetic molecular structures. The total
Universe IS magnetism. It never needs to travel to or from somewhere
because it is already there. It is where it is attracted at a nearly
infinite velocity. All light in the Universe is a form of transmuted
magnetic energy. If we identify a particular location where the point of
transference starts (for example, a particular star) this light energy
is magnetically CONVEYED at a velocity that cannot be described within
our present framework which locks in time and space. Thus, magnetism
does not NEED or HAVE a point of no return. This ENERGY is the Universe
which is always transmuting with 100 percent efficiency.

Magnetism can be used as "MAGNETIC CURRENT". Fifty years ago, Dr.
Ehrenhaft stated, "It is purely magnetic force which permeates
throughout the known Universe." Printed in Nature, January 4, 1941,

Dr. Ehrenhaft stated, "There must also be a STATIONARY MAGNETIC FIELD
in the beam of LIGHT with potential differences since SUPERPOSED
MAGNETIC FIELDS accelerate or retard the MAGNETO-PHOTOPHORESIS. It can
be observed that some particles stay at rest and that their motion
commences suddenly, or that moving particles appear to change their
velocity and even reverse it. This is due to changes of CHARGE. The
movement of magnetic ions in a homogeneous magnetic field is a MAGNETIC

When Faraday had become world famous for his invention of the dynamo
(about 1850) he was not satisfied with his limited success. Faraday
wrote the following after testing the first magnet powered generator,
"There is a wheel in the physical mechanism of the action that is
missing, whereby electricity (energy) should be derived from MAGNETISM
without the expenditure of mechanical energy."
Smaller than electrons;


New evidence that there is another world of almost infinite minuteness,
beyond the electron which only recently replaced the atom as the
smallest thing in the universe, was brought forward by Prof. Felix
Ehrenhaft of Vienna University at the meeting of the Association of
German Natural Scientists and Physicians.

Prof. Ehrenhaft's data were obtained by means of a new and highly
powerful apparatus for the ultramicroscopic examination devised by
himself, which makes possible the observation of particles far below the
limits of ordinary microscopic visibility, floating freely in a gaseous
atmosphere in a magnetic field.

He observed in this magnetized submicroscopic field the behavior of
globular bits of gaseous selenium with diameters of only one
two-hundred-fifty-thousandth of an inch. Their rate of drift, under the
influence of the magnet, indicated that the electric charges they
carried were less than the equivalent of one electron.

This would indicate, according to Prof. Ehrenhaft, that the electron is
subdivisible, and therefore, that something smaller than the electron
Jerry Wayne Decker / / "From an Art to a Science"
Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187