static electricity

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Sun, 23 May 1999 19:10:54 +1200

Hi all net readers,

As you all know by now, I have been experimenting flat out to try and
obtain a method of getting electricity for next to nothing.
I have tried several avenues and was vitally interested in the Testika
design but for one thing ! The expense of constructing the machine which
looks very expensive to me!
Also it is stated that the testika machine works best when the relative
humidity is low.The same with all static electricity generators.
This afternoon, I discussed various effects with a disabled helicopter
pilot and his shooter who live in the same valley to hear some astounding
contradictions which I just had to let you know.
This pilot and his shooter have flown all over the world capturing animals
in jungles and some years ago in New Zealand where they finally crashed
never to get airborne again.
The statement was made that dry air is preferred for maximum lift. However
I was told that when flying in rain,snow or humid conditions over bush
country, both rotors always glow purple at the tips because of tremendous
voltages being developed by the blades. The voltages are sufficient to have
to be bled off before the shooter hops off the helicopter otherwise he gets
knocked senseless by the charge.
The shooter told me that is was strong enough to knock a man 30 feet,send
him into convulsions and cause a report like a miniature thunderclap which
is quite audible over the noise of the engine. Hence their recovery cables
are nylon or proplon with a metal wire which reaches right to the tip.
The charge is strongest when the air is wet and affects the lifting
capability of the blades almost pointing to repulsion of air molecules near
the blades !
What makes the charge? The partial vacuum underneath the blade or the
rubbing against the air which is strongest over the top of the blades.The
man also told me that this charge builds up continuous and immediately
after discharge although there is a time lapse of sufficient time to make
the shooter do the work mainly because the animals and the net have
contact with the ground and the shooter climbs on board via the cable being
winched up or hops on to the undercarriage. Note only the tips of the blade
glow ! which almost points to a centrifugal effect like David Hamil quotes
as occurring with his design
Any comment?
I have a plastic container 100 litres and could heat the air in it to 100
percent humidity, mount airfoil blades in it and rotate air by fan or spin
the blades. Suggestions as to how one measures the voltage ? possibly
He told me something else interesting and that was a nylon rope a kilometer
or so long strung between pylons as the pilot rope to pull cable over, also
shows this charge in windy WET weather and poses a danger to those
unfamiliar with procedures as to how to work with these cables.

Greetings and happy hunting
