Is it the same free energy, all we are talking about ?

cosmic energy ( )
Fri, 21 May 1999 22:16:16 +0500

Being new, please excuse for my ignorance. I desire to know, whether what
we are talking about "FREE ENERGY" is the same energy described hereunder.

Extract from 'Tell me why' by Arkady Leokum , Hamlyn Publishers, England
When a satellite is sent up into the air, it carries all kinds
of instruments and measuring devices , which includes some
detecting or measuring instrument for Cosmic Rays . These
rays are still as exciting and mysterious as
anything one might find in science fiction !

About 80 years ago, scientists noticed a strange occurrence .
They found that a sample of air in a closed container
showed a small amount of electrical conductivity. Even when they
surrounded the container with thick shields , this was still
true . It meant that some kind of radiation was entering
the container , radiation more penetrating than known before !

Where was this mysterious radiation coming from ? All kinds of
experiments were made to get the answer . First, they proved that it wasn't
coming from land, because it was over sea, too. Since it was the same -
during night and also during the day, it wasn't coming from the sun. And
by going up in a balloon to great altitudes, it was shown to be
everywhere in the space or "COSMIC" - which means 'Universal'.

What actually are Cosmic rays ? They are atomic particles .
They travel in space outside the earth's atmosphere at speeds
nearly equal to that of light. Some of them happen to
approach the earth and enter our atmosphere.

These atomic particles, called ( primary Cosmic rays ) , collide
with atoms in the air . These collisions create new particles
which also travel at great speeds and in the same
direction as the primary particles . Thus , a great shower of
radiation bombards the earth. One proton coming from outer space
may create enough radiation in this way to cover a thousand
square feet !

As far as we know, this bombardment of Cosmic rays is
harmless when it reaches the earth, because , after all, it has been
going on for billions of years and has not effected life on earth.
Science still cannot explain where Cosmic rays originate, though
that we are penetrating outer space, the Mystery may eventually be

Ms. Seema.
IIst year student Psychology & an ordinary energy healer