crossed wires? ;)

steve ( (no email) )
Wed, 19 May 1999 18:05:13 -0400

Hi all,

I've been notice a strange effect in the past few years. 3 years ago I
broke a toe on my right foot. It hurt, quite a bit. After a few days, the
pain stopped and turned into a dull ache.. Now it doesn't hurt at all. My
left foot does however. Same toe, wrong foot. Also that year, in the
summer, I cut the back of my right hand rather badly on a glass lampshade
(when you're putting a shirt on, watch where you put your arms if you're
somewhat tall!), and got some stitches. I now have a scar on my hand, but
it doesn't hurt. Any guesses as to which hand aches constantly? ;)
Yep. left hand. It's especially bad today, and several minutes ago, I
noticed a red mark in the middle of the back of my left hand, and as I
watched, it turned into what looked like a faint scar. Same position as the
one on my right hand, but mirrored. I always suspected I might be a bit
dyslexic in some areas (hear a sound to the left, sometimes I look to the
right first, for example), but I can't explain the physical appearance of a
scar on the opposite hand. 2 other people saw this, but it faded after a
couple minutes.

Has anyone ever heard of this happening before, or have any ideas as to a
For both the appearance of the scar on the other hand, and the "crossed
wires" in my head..
