Magnets to cause weight loss?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 16 May 1999 06:38:09 -0500

Hi Folks!

Does anyone know anything about this? Using magnets to lose weight and
you have to REPLACE the magnets often for it to work?????????

I checked out the Cold Fusion Times homepage at;

and found nothing out about it. So what is happening that would require
the magnets to be replaced periodically to sustain the continued weight
Subject: Re: Magnets and Weight Loss --- new breakthrough ---
Cold Fusion Times vol 7 no 2
Date: Fri, 7 May 1999 15:05:11 +0100
From: "M.C.Harrison" <>
Reply-To:"M.C.Harrison" <someplace@somewhere.somehow>
Organization: ICL
Newsgroups: sci.physics.fusion, sci.physics,, sci.materials,
References: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7

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Material Fellow wrote:
> A leading Dr. of Chiropractic Healing announced that "medical magnets"
> can lead to 20 to 30 pounds of weight loss per month.
> The magnets must be placed at a specific accupressure site on the
> RIGHT wrist (only) to achieve the results.

Ah, I think I get it now. But what if the patient uses his LEFT hand?

> The "Medical Magnets" must be replaced weekly.

Or in some cases, daily.

> You can buy a ONE month's supply of "Medical Magnets" for $60....

Does this include the magazines and tissue paper as well?
Are there any variations suitable for female patients?
I did some searches and found this;
>> A Cold Fusion Break....
>> Sun Journal, that highly respected sociological periodical
>> distributed at the accounting areas of food distribution retail
>> establishments, has an article related to the issue of weight loss
>> caused by "medical magnets."
>> A leading Dr. of Chiropractic Healing announced that "medical
>> magnets" can lead to 20 to 30 pounds of weight loss per month.
>> The magnets must be placed at a specific accupressure site on the
>> RIGHT wrist (only) to achieve the results.