Re: Tesla society/ an observation

Theo Paijmans ( )
Sun, 16 May 1999 01:50:34 +0200

Hi all,

Isn't it sad that half a century after he died, his society in the US is
sold off for $5,000 to a dubious character, and the museum in Belgrado -
with its manuscripts, his personal belongings, the urn with his ashes - is
in the middle of a human tragedy and is daily under the threat of being
bombed into non-existence...

Keely has no gravestone, his machines lost...Stubblefield died of poverty
and starvation, Johannes Wardenier was (albeit briefly) committed to an
asylum.Others were painted as frauds, their lives broken...Thus, it seems,
we treat our innovative inventors. Therefore I started a project some time
ago, to write a history of the free energy inventors, an attempt to at least
trust the lives and careers of those inventors to paper, and to try to
create a coherent history of that research.

I need help with such a massive undertaking. Does anyone on this list have
primary source materials on those inventors and unusual inventions of the
early 19th and 20th centuries?


Theo Paijmans