Re: Taming Maxwell's Demon
Tue, 11 May 1999 21:54:48 +0200

I found in this old mailinglist message the explanation of ZOKWENDLE :

>>During the 1930's, an Austrian civil engineer named Viktor Schauberger
>>and partially developed an 'IMPLOSION TURBINE' [German name,
>>'ZOKWENDLE']. As described in the book 'A BREAKTHROUGH TO NEW
>>FREE-EVERGY SOURCES', by Dan A. Davidson, 1977, water is pumped by an
>>IMPELLER pump through a LOGARITHMIC- SPIRAL-SHAPED coil of tubing until
>>it reaches a CRITICAL VELOCITY. The water then implodes, no longer
>>touching the inside walls of the tubing, and drives the pump, which then
>>converts the pump's motor into an electric generator. The device seems
>>to be tapping [the dynamo energy of] the Earth's rotation, via the
>>'Coriolis effect', like a Tornado."


"Jerry W. Decker" schreef:


> As to the vimana...yes, I can see how that teardrop shape could be
> know, Dan Davidson reported on Schaubergers
> 'Zokwendle'..I've never found the meaning of Zok but wendle means
> 'coil' was a self running machine that produced power from a
> generator driven by vortex flow of water.
