Re: Taming Maxwell's Demon

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Mon, 10 May 1999 12:52:09 +1200

At 17:15 8/05/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Ren et al!
>You wrote;
>> My mercury engine interpetation of the vimana does just that and
>> the trapdoor being a rotor that also pushes the mercury into a
>> magnetic induction field.
Hi Jerry and all !!
On one of this mornings postings, Bismuth is mentioned. Bismuth is the one
and only other element that will do the same thing as mercury but needs to
be heated at 2000 kelvin (I think) The fluid to gas state and back again
needs an extremely small temperature differential.
Now mercury because it can be done at a moderate temperature is a
reasonable stable element in the fluid state (it oxydises but a shake of
the bottle throws off the oxygen immediately, however the electron orbits
are full and therefor easily manipulated. There is no tendency to combine
with anything else and a free exchange of electrons is possible. Alchemists
of old used this tendency as a super catalyst for their work because mind
power could manipulate it just as Keely did with his tuning forks.All
alchemical recipies call for purity of body and meditation before
experiment and a cleanliness of special robes to the extreme before any
success could be counted on.
Magic mirrors used mercury either on glass or in a pool of and in the
latest posting about the telepathic instruction on flying saucer
construction shows mercury being used as a parabolic reflector. Why?
because mercury is throwing everything back, not like aluminium which is
semi transparent to everything thrown at it.
My mind is growing dimmer but I seem to remember an experiment years ago by
scientists who invented a name for it too and this was running gas past 2
plates which would borrow the electrons, ran them around a load and
replenished the gas in it's cooling stage. 100 % efficient according to
them but to difficult because of the wearing of the electrodes.
The statement was made that if we could invent a system whereby individual
electrons could be gated, tremendous power could be unleashed and the
vimana principle did just that.
What I will do, is sit down and redraw the construction drawing for the
motor and send it to you by mail to post on the net. I only have about 6
kg. of mercury left as I lost a lot in my experiments.
However, it will not work in just a tube (tried that) it has to work in a
particular shape container which is extremely critical because resonant
harmonics play a role between the mercury and the iron in the walls of the
When you see the drawing, you will immediately recall rock drawings 20000
years old where the archeologists interpreted it as a religious symbol as
usually because the rotor was portrayed as a swastika. (religious indeed !!)
A bit like the Bible, also a religious symbol but really a repositry of
scientific knowledge hidden behind allegorical stories.
I have been thinking a lot lately about the Clem engine and if it was not
for the moneything I would be constructing it today. However the hydraulic
pump must be working both ways as the pump plays a major role in providing
the heat from the friction.So the pump becomes part of the motor set up and
it will not work without it. Earlier I made a statement (why use the pump
at all?)because the suction created would suck up the oil after the
temperature differential took over the role of the pump but something has
to create the heat and suction would create cooling !You can't have it both
So with that I resurrect my drawing board as my bloody computor refuses to
accept my drawing programme.

Hurray for now
