Re: Zero Pollution cars

Sat, 08 May 1999 15:34:56 -0700

Hi Jerry et al;
I don't mean to get your dandruff up Jerry,but, I run a rather large
compressor for a living. So my discussions is from expierience, although
I think we are talking about two different things.
If you compress air, it certainly will get hot, which is your
reference. Compressed air wants to release heat. The more you compress
air the more heat it will want to release, the end result is cooler/cold
compressed air. If you do not provide a means for the compressed air to
cool, yes it will stay hot but will in the end burn up your compressor.
Hot compressed air takes a great deal of extra torque to opperate, which
is why compressors always need cooling fins and ventilated areas to
accomodate heat exchange.
Anyway hate to be having the last word,just had to clarify some things.

Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> Hi Larry et al!
> Enough, we agree to disagree....I provided numerous references from
> orthodox sources, you provided nothing but your opinion.