Re: Taming Maxwell's Demon

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 08 May 1999 17:15:55 -0500

Hi Ren et al!

You wrote;
> My mercury engine interpetation of the vimana does just that and
> the trapdoor being a rotor that also pushes the mercury into a
> magnetic induction field.

Yes, I've never had any mercury to play with but in Childress book on
'Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India & Atlantis' he says;

Page 10-12
"..inside it (the vimana) one must place the mercury-engine with its
iron heating apparatus beneath. By means of the 'power latent in the
mercury' which sets the driving 'whirlwind' in motion, a man sitting
inside may travel a great distance in the sky in a most marvelous

Similarly by using the prescribed processes one can build a vimana as
large as the temple of the God-in-motion. Four strong mercury
containers must be built into the interior structure.

When these have been heated by controlled fire from iron containers, the
vimana develops thunder-power through the mercury. And at once it
becomes a pearl in the sky.

Moreover, if this iron engine with properly welded joints be filled with
mercury, and the fire be conducted to the upper part it develops power
with the roar of a lion."

....Needless to say, they did not encompass the basic observation that a
'circular dish of mercury REVOLVES IN A CONTRARY MANNER to a naked flame
speed of revolution of said flame."

GEEZ, sounds like the Clem engine...and a few others where you achieve a
critical velocity and temperature, then push it beyond that, it becomes
self-running. A temperature differential as it says the fire must be
applied to the upper half of the steel container, so that would create a
difference from top to bottom.

So Ren, are you saying you think the mercury might have this Maxwell
Demon diode gating effect? How would that work in the mercury?

Maybe the shape of the mercury atoms is altered by the heat and motion
to also produce a negative resistance type of effect, when it is beyond
a certain critical velocity, so that the mercury speeds up and takes off
on its own...

Sure sounds like Clem to me....roughly 2000 rpm at 350 degrees
Fahrenheit to reduce the viscosity and produce some kind of thermal
imbalance, maybe through re-ordering the molecules of the cooking oil so
that they elongate into this tear drop or egg shape with the pointed
ends all heading in a preferred direction....hmm, redirecting the flow
over the LEAST SURFACE knife through butter kind of thing.

I'm still trying to figure out this shape Schlictigs diagram
he shows all the pointed ends focusing toward a common center with the
fat ends on the outside....perhaps the fat ends act as heat dissipators
with the smaller ends serving as heat conductors, locating and homing in
on the high heat, letting it flow over the particle to 'sweat' it off on
the wider surface outside end. Just thinking out loud...

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187