Re: a horrible thought

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Sun, 09 May 1999 08:20:13 +1200

At 11:05 7/05/99 +0200, you wrote:
>Dear list members,my answer to Theo Paijmans lament !
>What I thought about is the frightening thought that -
Humanity at large is too apathetic to stop their so called ELECTED leaders
from inflicting carnage all over the place. From time immemorial, knowledge
and repositries of knowledge have been systematically destroyed by a few
self indulgent idiots and supported in their quest in the name of God by
the so called SECURITY forces kept especially to help those same idiots do
what they want to do.
It will take an action of millions like in the Philippenes against Marcos
and his ilk to stop it.
No use standing their blubbering about it, do something. !!
