
James Bland ( (no email) )
Fri, 7 May 1999 03:17:42 +0100

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The Hindu time system is based on the the Nadi, a 24 minute division of
the day, with 2 nadis =3D 1 Muhurta. The 30 Muhurtas are:

Day Night=20

1. Rudra -/+ (1) 1. Rudra +/- (1)
2. Ahi + (1) 2. Ajapada + (1)
3. Mitra 3. Ahir - (3)
4. Pitru 4. Pusha - (3)
5. Vasu 5. Asvini
6. Vara 6. Yama + (4)
7. JayaDeva 7. Agni + (4)
8. Brahma (Noon) 8. Brahma (Midnight)
9. Viranci 9. Chandra - (5)
10. Indra + (2) 10. Aditi - (5)
11. Indrani + (2) 11. Jeeva - (5)
12. Nittta + (2) 12. Vishnu
13. Varuna 13. Ravi
14. Aryaman 14. Tvastri
15. Bhagya 15. Anila

The magnetosphere is directly modulated by changes in the solar wind
density and pressure. There are a number of currents in the =
and each can effect the geomagnetic field at ground level. Currents that
field aligned, couple directly into the ionospheric layer.

1. Field aligned currents flow continuously at dawn & dusk and are =
"into" &
"out of" the ionosphere respectively. In higher L-shells another =
occurs "out of" & "into" the ionosphere at dawn & dusk =
These flows may match the malific time periods marked as + (1) =
2. During a geomagnetic storm, a partial equitorial ring current forms =

supplied by field aligned currents in mid evening and mid afternoon
sectors. These seem to match the malific northward flow at + (2) =
and the benific southward flow at - (3) above.
3. The midnight cross-tail current produces field aligned currects =
substorms. The malific northward flow is marked by + (4) above, the =

benific southward current flow is marked by - (5) above. This =
flow is sometimes referred to as the substorm current wedge and can =
be up
to 70 degrees wide (35 each side of midnight).

4. Proir to substorm flow, oscilations called micro-pulsations occur =
magnetospheric field lines. These ULF waves have periods from 0.2 =
to 150
seconds and depend on the L-shell occupied and ionospheric =
A commonly used index is Pc-3 giving oscilations in the range of =
seconds. Prior to substorms, a southward shift of the solar wind B =
nulls the Earth's B field, and solar flux is stored in the =
(plasmasphere). A sudden shift back to north triggers the unloading =
this excess flux especially along the current wedge & partical ring

The Vedic system above may be viewed as identifying the periods when =
aligned currents are directly over head. At these times the ground based
field is either pulsed, enhanced, or neutralized. Pulsed disturbes the =
enhanced protects from cosmic rays, neutarlized means vulnerable to =
cosmic rays.

The ancients were particularly practical in their approach. Their =
systems" are based on identifying the energies that enhance or deter the
human beings journey to freedom. It is an energy scence and "Science of
Life" that integrates Ayurvedic Medicine, Astrology, Religion, and Yoga, =
has preserved some of the most abstract knowledge through the mythology.
Though it might not be exactly right from todays perspective. for the =
job at
hand it is good enough, if not the best there is.

A little perspective!

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The Hindu time system is based on the the Nadi, a 24 minute =division=20of
the day, with 2 nadis =3D 1 Muhurta. The 30 Muhurtas=20are:

    =20Day           &nbs=p;            =;            ==20Night

  1. Rudra      -/+=20(1)           &nbs=p; 1.=20Rudra     +/- (1)
  2.=20Ahi          +=20(1)           &nbs=p; 2.=20Ajapada     + (1)
  3.=20Mitra           &n=bsp;           &nb=sp; =203. Ahir        - (3)
  4.=20Pitru           &n=bsp;           &nb=sp; =204. Pusha       - (3)
  5.=20Vasu           &nb=sp;           &nbs=p;  =205. Asvini
  6.=20Vara           &nb=sp;           &nbs=p;  =206. Yama        + (4)
  7.=20JayaDeva           =;           =207. Agni        + (4)
  8.=20Brahma      =20(Noon)            =8.=20Brahma     (Midnight)
  9.=20Viranci           =             =9. Chandra     - (5)
10.=20Indra        +=20(2)            =10.=20Aditi       - (5)
11.=20Indrani      +=20(2)            =11.=20Jeeva       - (5)
12.=20Nittta       +=20(2)            =12.=20Vishnu
13.=20Varuna           &=nbsp;           =2013. Ravi
14.=20Aryaman           =           =2014. Tvastri
15.=20Bhagya           &=nbsp;           =2015. Anila

  The magnetosphere is directly modulated by =changes in=20the solar wind
density and pressure. There are a number of currents =in the=20magnetosphere
and each can effect the geomagnetic field at ground =level.=20Currents that
field aligned, couple directly into the ionospheric=20layer.

  1. Field aligned currents flow continuously at dawn =&=20dusk and are "into" &
     ="out=20of" the ionosphere respectively.  In higher L-shells another=20flow
     occurs "out of" &=20"into" the ionosphere at dawn & dusk respectively.=20
     These flows may match the malific time =periods=20marked as + (1) above.
  2. During a geomagnetic storm, a =partial=20equitorial ring current forms
     supplied by =field=20aligned currents in mid evening and mid =afternoon
    =20sectors. These seem to match the malific northward flow at + (2)=20above
     and the benific southward flow at - =(3)=20above.
  3. The midnight cross-tail current produces field =aligned=20currects during
     substorms. The malific =northward=20flow is marked by + (4) above, the
     benific=20southward current flow is marked by - (5) above. This=20current
     flow is sometimes referred to as the =substorm current wedge and can be up
     to 70 =degrees=20wide (35 each side of midnight).

  4. Proir to substorm =flow,=20oscilations called micro-pulsations occur =along
    =20magnetospheric field lines. These ULF waves have periods from 0.2 to=20150
     seconds and depend on the L-shell =occupied and=20ionospheric reflectivity.
     A commonly used =index is=20Pc-3 giving oscilations in the range of 10-45 =
    =20seconds.  Prior to substorms, a southward shift of the solar wind B =field
     nulls the Earth's B field, and solar =flux is=20stored in the magnetosphere
     (plasmasphere). =A sudden=20shift back to north triggers the unloading =of
     this=20excess flux especially along the current wedge & partical =ring

  The Vedic system above may be viewed as identifying the =periods=20when field
aligned currents are directly over head. At these times =the ground=20based
field is either pulsed, enhanced, or neutralized. =Pulsed=20disturbes the mind,
enhanced protects from cosmic rays, neutarlized =means=20vulnerable to cosmic rays.

  The ancients were particularly=20practical in their approach.  Their "cycle
systems" =are based=20on identifying the energies that enhance or deter the
human beings =journey to=20freedom.  It is an energy scence and "Science of
Life" =that=20integrates Ayurvedic Medicine, Astrology, Religion, and Yoga, and
has =preserved some of the most abstract knowledge through the =mythology.
Though=20it might not be exactly right from todays perspective. for the job =at
hand it=20is good enough, if not the best there is.
A little =perspective!