More on the Brainwave Generator program

Wm Perry ( (no email) )
Sun, 2 May 1999 11:53:39 -1000

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I downloaded the BWGEN program from and have played around =
with it. And needless to say, it works! I used it early early this =
morning, when i was dogassed tired. I created a new preset for it, where =
it started out in the deep sleep frequency range (since I was tired =
anyway), and set it up to move back and forth between 4-8Hz. it took =
about 2 minutes to make one full sweep, and i had it going for about =
30-40mins (seemed like 5!)=20
Apparently, my wife said that after about 30 minutes of sleeping =
with the headphones on, I sat up, took off the headphones, said =
something like "This stuff is weird", and laid back down and went to =
sleep again. 10 minutes after that, she woke me up to help give the kid =
a bath, and i remember nothing about it. I thought the headphones had =
fallen off on their own.=20
The program is a resounding success with me. It depends on whether or =
not the subject is responsive to the sounds

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I downloaded the BWGEN program from and have played around =with it.=20And needless to say, it works! I used it early early this morning, when =i was=20dogassed tired. I created a new preset for it, where it started out in =the deep=20sleep frequency range (since I was tired anyway), and set it up to move =back and=20forth between 4-8Hz. it took about 2 minutes to make one full sweep, and =i had=20it going for about 30-40mins (seemed like 5!)
    Apparently, my =wife said that=20after about 30 minutes of sleeping with the headphones on, I sat up, =took off=20the headphones, said something like "This stuff is weird", and =laid=20back down and went to sleep again. 10 minutes after that, she woke me up =to help=20give the kid a bath, and i remember nothing about it. I thought the =headphones=20had fallen off on their own.
The program is a resounding success =with me. It=20depends on whether or not the subject is responsive to the =sounds