(no subject)

Marinus Berghuis ( renkahu@ihug.co.nz )
Fri, 01 Jan 1999 11:31:51 +1300

In the beginning there was the word !!
Sound is a wave,
thought is a wave
electrons are waves
Magnetic resonance is a wave
All stem from the word! to quote it in simple terms.
Waves can be contained by glass, metal, paper or anything tubular or even a
tubular magnetic field.
Focussing is possible by increasing or decreasing the length of the tube.
Think of directional microphones.!.


Self hypnosis. Your life essence is the size of the universe although
temporary concentrated within a cocoon of matter. What we observe as the
Cosmos is due to the time factor built in our continuum. What we see as
light years away is in fact no bigger than a pin head.Probably smaller
still !! I managed to look into a hydrogen atom by weeks of trial and error
when in a job where I was not permitted to work. (Panicking boss !!)
Imagine yourself getting smaller and smaller with the object of observing
It takes hours of mental discipline but if determined you get there. Some
people are born with the focussing ability, I had to exercise for years.
Hence most people think I am a nut case.

To all,

I would expect a new organisation to work the way I answered the last 2
streams of letters.
If you are interested give off the cuff answers without too much thought or
technical detail.Saves time, net time and will give the recipient further
pathways.Imagine 248 short answers. You would look at the answers
statistically and act on the result in your research. For active
imagination to work positively, it must not be tainted by preconceived ideas.

My own bit of research.
I have now digested all information on the Keely net and found Hans Coler's
Strohmzeuger identical to Hubbard coil and and anyone else mucking around
with resonance and magnetism. Also Bedini, Bearden and some other inventers
all have come to the conclusion that vacuum is the key. To quote Bedini,
You must shock vacuum into giving up the ever present energy. It is a pity
that Radio Vacuum tubes have gone out of fashion because there we have
perfect instruments to play with. Will dig some up as the frequencies are
not very high.
I will do some work on the dimensions and post them to you in due course.

What's wrong with the honourable Bedini ? or Joe's Cell? Bedini for house
power and Joe's cell for transportation without fouling up the atmosphere.
Overunity on tap or perhaps a better expression. The Joker is willing to
lend you a bit of vacuum energy but don't use it for the wrong purpose !.
This over unity is just a red herring in my book and a lot of time and
effort spent on providing proof to satisfy the college professors perhaps?
Let them dream on and use what we have got and you have A HELL OF
A LOT ALREADY there for the taking.

I do not want to sound flippant but if we do not see the humorous side we
will certainly go banana's

Keep in touch.

Kia Ora