Re: Time Claim

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Wed, 30 Dec 1998 09:50:05 -0800 (PST)

Hi Folks!

Here are the responses to my questions about the time travel
experiment. There has been almost no editing of the contents so you
see it in the raw. The arrows are my questions, all else is the
person claiming the ability to travel.
I'll answer your questions. But I'll have to email you
the answers piecemeal. Sprint keeps logging me off,
because I am spending too much time typing at
this website.
> **** As I understand this (correct me if I am in
> error), you must see the information rich data such as
> the winning lottery numbers (in Texas, its 6, two digit
> numbers from 1 to 50) which you then project
> (somehow) to the target in the past.
> OR, you must see the stock market numbers or race
> track, whatever.

Yes this is correct. I am not a prophet, I do not snatch future events
from the air and interpret these events through some obscure symbolism.

My viewpoint from the perspective of all my 5 senses,
and my thoughts as verbal english or non verbal inferences as well is
pictural ideas in my mind, and memories as well as my perception of
current events - example the reading of a page of coherent prose with
my interpretation of it - will be transfered to the
recievers mind without any shift in perception - as
far as I know.

So in order to transmit the stock market results of the
previous day to a videotaped event two days ago, I
must first read the information and then broadcast it
to the past while watching tv.
> Interesting claim and of course I'm interested because
> you have offered to be tested. That would be a great way
> to fund alternative science type projects such as KeelyNet
> promotes and could do a lot of good all over the world,
> but for now, we need to stick to the reality of a proof. I
> have been working on a device that will evoke a lucid
> dream condition for that very purpose since I managed to
> have a lucid dream where I saw all 6 numbers but only
> remembered 4 of them on waking...played those numbers
> and won $ I know it works....
> With regard to your email, I have a few questions.
> You wrote;

I am able to project my conciousness to the past. I do so by viewing
the recorded footage of someone filmed in the past

> *** Does this mean you would need a videotape of the
> person to whom you would be 'sending' the information, so that
> information would effectively be coming to that person from the
> future??

Yes. The level of concious control that I have over
this power is poor. At this point, I need for a video
tape recording to be made of a person at a particular
event in time so that I can transmit the desired
information to this event.

So let's say there is a lottery on Friday the 1st of Jan, the video
tape which is of a tape recording event of the reciever on Thursday
December 31st that I watch on the Saturday the 2nd of Jan along with
winning numbers that are compiled for Friday 1st will allow me to
predetermine past events from the future.

This means that I can create successive Time Bubbles - a string of
events that must follow the other, because the past is the effect of
the future and vice versa.
> **** As I understand this (correct me if I am in error), you
> must see the information rich data such as the winning
> lottery numbers (in Texas, its 6, two digit numbers from 1 to 50)
> which you then project (somehow) to the target in the past.
> OR, you must see the stock market numbers or race track,
> whatever.

Yes this is correct. I am not a prophet, I do not snatch future events
from the air and interpret these events through some obscure
symbolism. My viewpoint from the perspective of all my 5 senses, and
my thoughts as verbal english or non verbal inferences as well is
pictural ideas in my mind, and memories as well as my perception of
current events - example the reading
of a page of coherent prose with my interpretation of it - will be
transferred to the recievers mind without any shift in perception - as
far as I know.

So in order to transmit the stock market results of the previous day
to a videotaped event two days ago, I must first read the information
and then broadcast it to the past while watching tv.
> How do you 'project' this information back to the person in
> the past?

I don't know for sure how. I can give you a pesudo scientific
speculation; I don't think you will be satisfied with it. All I know
for sure is that when I view a videotaped event of slice of time and
with a person with at least roughly average intelligence in the
recording as a reciever, I will project my conciousness, thoughts, and
memories to his/her mind.

That means that somehow the reciever merges with my mind, the reciever
absorbs my thoughts as I think them and even my memories. The
reciever will record events as I experience them. It may have to do
with essence and not energy.

Some describe astral travel as operating at a different frequency at
the etheric level. Meaning the astral body - which can be a symbolic
representation of the physical body of the traveler, or a bodyless
floating conciousness - can conciously leave the body and either
travel to other levels of perception - the astral plane, mental plane,
the zone of madness, etc - or fly around in the etheric level - the
physical world level of
perception - and this astral body at the etheric level can travel
through solid bodies, like walls and rock without difficulty.

Some claim that the astral bodies are just vibrating at frequencies
different from physical bodies, kind of like x-rays - others claim
that since astral bodies and conciousness are composed out of essences
and not clumps of particals, astral bodies are immune from effects of
energy, matter, and do not have their limitations. Of course that
doesn't explain telekinesis while astral traveling - if such have been

If the essence theory is correct. It may explain how only I with an
exeptionally strong essence can time travel at a non-physical level.

Remember, time travel according to mainstream physics is practically
impossible. However, physics only factors in particles, and not
> You project back to the past, BEFORE THE DRAWING and
> 'somehow' influence my mind with the numbers so that I write
> them down, and play them before the drawing.
> (I have no idea how you could do this or how you would otherwise
> get the information back to your target, what form does it take? A
> note, an email, a phone call, how?)

The information you will hear verbally as I read them out to you.
Although, you may also experience the event as I do - looking at the
text between my hands from my vantage point as I read.

> =========================
> A scenario based on what I
> understand of your proposal
> =========================
> I send you a videotape of me holding a sign bearing the winning
> lottery numbers that won the Texas lottery for a Wednesday or a
> Saturday lotto drawing.

This above part of the scenario is wrong - according to my experience.
The drawing is Friday. You will give me the winning numbers on
Saturday. On Thursday you will tape yourself with pen and paper in
hand and
write down the numbers that I project to you from reading them to you
at my end on the Saturday.
> I collect the winnings, send you half of the total so you can do with
> as you will. For myself, I would setup a trust fund for personal
> financial security, then the rest as a trust fund for a research
> We go from there.

I don't care what you do with your share of the money. But to be
honest, I plan on donating at least1000's of billions each month to
research centers like yours if you chose to relocate to Dynatron City -
the money, housing and company is free and exclusive to like minded
individuals fringe science thinkers like yourselves. Remember, on the
stock market I can turn thousands into trillions.

Don't worry. I am not going to own anything. I will give people like
you the money. I do not want to take credit for any of your work. I do
not want leadership of any sort - although I might make suggestions from
time to time which you could all disregard at will.

All I want to be is citizen Tron - a fellow citizen no better and to
be treated no better than the rest of you. The global economy will not
suffer, because I will ask you to only take money when you want to
finance something - buy, employ, consume. This will recycle the money
back into the economy so that I can continue putting it back in.
Imaging how fast even an environmentally friendly city of 1 million
could grow out of a wasteland purchased from the government as a free
zone for like minded people such as yourself, when we can pay for tens
of millions of artisons to fly to the site of Dynatron City first
class and build this city in a year. With the several trillions behind
you, buddy you tech boys can do anything you want.

Of course for the next decade or so, I'll stay in ***** and generate
the funds for Dynatron city via the global stock exchanges. But I hope
one day,
you'll let a goof like me in your city.

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