Joe Phenomenon

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Thu, 24 Dec 1998 09:09:45 +1300

Has anyone out there had any success with it? I have made 2 units and the
2nd one worked but not as described. Am still trying to find out how to
stop the water from turning into an organic soup.Also a full aluminium
engine runs fine but a cast iron engine, not a kick.
I also manufactured the system written up by Carl Stella as published in
the Nexus magazine volume 3 , No 6 October November 1996 and am sorry to
say that although it produced hydrogen, the volume is useless. If the
current could stepped up, perhaps or playing with a very HIGH voltage may
do something.
I wrote a letter to the inventor but received no reply.Probably living
somewhere else. Anyone knowing his address, please inform me.

Thanking you all for a very interesting 24 hours, my mail server held all
correspondence and loaded some 200 letters yesterday and must say it took
some digesting.
I wish you all a merry Christmas and a busy and profitable New Year. Who
knows the millennium bug may yet be beaten and leave the internet usable.
Ren Berghuis.