Re: Scams: water fuel confusions

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 13 Dec 1998 02:51:45 -0600

Hi Knute et al!

First, let me say I have read many of your posts regarding hydrogen as a
fuel and think you are indeed an authority on the subject, however, I
think you went overboard in your response to my post about the EXTRA
segment and the subsequent comments.

You wrote;
> How anti hydrogen propaganda persists:

Come on, you should know better than that. I am and always have been a
proponent of hydrogen as a fuel, especially if it can be created so
simply from water. I think you might be too close to the trees to see
the forest. Stand back and do a reality check please, read some of the
files at my website on the subject, not to mention posts to the KeelyNet
discussion list, always promoting it as but ONE facet of energy
production though my preference is attempting to tap aether/zpe influx.

You also wrote;
> The touch of adding a quote from PT Barnum, is well into the
> apparent shift in the post as he moves on to talk of particulars of
> hydrogen combustion. I wonder what purpose the elicitation of
> emotive associations to the legendary con, of Barnum has in a
> scientific review?

The reference was of course to 'a sucker born every minute' which was
clearly proven in the EXTRA test and to which it directly applied.

As to scientific review. Please, realize this is the Internet and a
discussion list, especially on the Internet is FAR from anything
remotely scientific...which by the way I never stated or intimated in
the post.

If anyone has the mistaken idea that these discussion lists or much of
what is posted on the Internet remotely qualifies as 'scientific review'
they need to look up what that term means.

Again, I think you read way too much into a simple post because you are
so close to the singular subject of hydrogen production.

You wrote;
> All of this information is available to you all over the net. Check
> it out. Write to people doing work with hydrogen engines! Ask them
> critical questions! You will find them only to happy to brag of
> sparkling, clean engines, that never need to have their oils changed.

Despite such a glowing presentment and realizing the quality of much of
what is available as 'fact' on the net, where can we buy one of these
hydrogen vehicles or conversion systems or plans that truly work on one
or more different vehicles?

Why do such hydrogen powered vehicles never show up at the conferences
so many people can see successful operation of them?

If there is someone out there who really does have a working hydrogen
powered vehicle, sparkling clean or not, I suggest you contact any of
the conferences and offer to demonstrate it and do a presentation on the

Such a live demonstration would have a rapt audience and if sales was
their goal, proof of such a working unit would gain them many sales
right on the spot (as in the EXTRA segment).

I am a 3rd generation Texan, so well know how one gets 'braggin rights',
but I've never met anyone who ever claimed to have a running hydrogen
powered engine or seen one demonstrated or tested. Wrong circles,
maybe?..<g>...who, what, when, where, how?

If such working hydrogen powered vehicles are out there, why aren't they
being touted, sold, demonstrated, documented and if they work so well,
isn't it peculiar that they aren't all over the roads? Or even being
used to run old car engines that produce electricity for a home? Why is

Perhaps one of these people who has one of these marvelous working
conversions should contact EXTRA as a rebuttal to the segment? Their
website is; and please do keep us abreast if
anyone has the panache to actually show their sparkling clean hydrogen
powered automobile in operation, tested and verified...I know I'm

Why not? If it works, what is there to fear? Failure? Suppression?
Paranoia? When will the energy and free energy claims ever stop if
people don't actively promote WHAT WORKS and stop promoting what DOES
NOT as being a working device that is AVAILABLE NOW? If its theory, say

In the case of hydrogen there is no question it works, but implementing
it successfully is quite another thing. I think a grass roots movement
is the best way to get out WHAT WORKS, but most that I've heard of
appear to be 'lab queens' with some kind of problem that forsakes
practical, reliable use by consumers.

The late Yull Brown claimed that using the stoichometric mix he called
'Browns Gas' which we now learn was discovered by an earlier researcher,
claimed that 'his gas' would produce sufficient electrical energy to
extract the hydrogen needs of the vehicle, thus making it self-running,
if not overunity.

I received several emails from a fellow who claimed to have run a
modified lawnmower engine to run on hydrogen and that it produced more
energy than it took to create the hydrogen to run it. All it needed was
water supplied to it.

As I recall, it was a lawnmower, fed with hydrogen from a small tank of
water. The plates were electrified by current from an automobile
generator driven by the lawnmower engine.

The guy claimed he was getting 7 amps of free power at 12vdc after
making the current to produce the hydrogen to run the engine. This and
other hydrogen relevant posts from the KeelyNet discussion list are at;

Again, I think water as fuel offers one of the most elegant and simple
solutions for our future energy needs. I did not even mention hydrogen
fuel cells which are in some ways and for some purposes, an even better
way to utilize hydrogen.

People are still gullible as the EXTRA scam demonstrated. What is that
cliche? 'extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs'.

Until reliable working models of such things as hydrogen powered
vehicles are tested, verified, demonstrated and for sale, whether as
retrofits or completely from scratch, its all just lab queens and more

Not trying to rain on the parade but the reality does not currently
match the claims.

When it shows up on EXTRA (or similar venues) and is rampaging through
the news or available to install in everyones town, then we'll be on the
right track.

Its not a matter of discarding all theories, ideas or concepts, just ask
for proof when there are claims, quite simple and I think it will get us
a lot farther than all the time heretofore wasted.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187