I'm interested in this stuff, but.....

Anthony ( (no email) )
Sun, 6 Dec 1998 20:35:51 -0600

Dear group,
I've been searching up the topic of free energy for a few days now, and I'm
very interested in this concept. I could easily see the benefits in my own
life and would love to create one of these machines. I'm not looking to
make lots of money on some kind of invention or anything but would like to
use some "free energy" for myself. The only problem is that I have no,
nadda, zilch knowledge of calculus and very little physics knowledge and so
when I would attempt to understand the explanation of how these machines
work, I was for the most part, lost. The language totally throws me and I
am sitting here trying to recap everything in hopes to understand. My
question is, is there anyplace that I can learn more about physics online.
I'm aware that I can take a course in my local university, but that takes
money and time. I really don't have much of either. Or is there an easy
explanation of the processes that acompany the production of free energy
units? And have any of you actually produced a "free energy" unit that
Thanks in advance,