Re: Hydroxy research

Dennis C. Lee ( (no email) )
Sat, 31 Oct 1998 03:08:14 -0500


At 12:46 AM 10/31/98 -0500, wrote:

>Come on now how are you going to coordinate all this? Typical wishful
>thinking, totalling impractical...

We should give stuff away no charge to nice people like you. I agree.

>What would you expect these people to do?? Go around praising the inventors
>on how great the invention is and then build and market it for them to

If it really is a good innovation, wouldn't that be the ethical and honest
thing to do? Would this attitude encourage more invention? Is ethics and
honesty on the priority list at all? - Why or why not, can you specify?

>Have you inventors never heard of the NIH (Not Invented Here)
>syndrome? For them to be as enthusiastic as the inventors it would also
>have to be their idea at least partially - its called buy in... sorry life
>is just that way...

I don't understand this buy in idea. Is this the excuse used so that they
don't have to go around praising the inventors on how great the invention is
and then build and market it for them? Do you think that this is honorable
and a desirable behavior in a civilized society? Maybe this is why you're
having such a difficult time? Let's see you invent something and then deal
with people who are as you describe. Is this why you want someone else to do
the work? Because the only way to be successful with such people is if you
get it for free and sell lower than what it took to develop the idea?

>I agree with Dwenbert...
>"They all seem to be bumbling around like Newman, not getting
>anything accomplished. If these people are this inept at business, they
>can't be so all-fired brilliant at anything else. People skills are not
>THAT remote from other forms of abstract reasoning."

Present day people skills seem exactly opposite those of inventing skills.
On the one hand, truth is the last thing desired, on the other hand, truth
is what is seeked. Let me guess, you are people skills oriented.

>Well stop hoarding the info. Let it out in the public domain and pls don't
>give us all the tiresome diatribe on non disclosure agreements and how the
>inventors have spent all their lifes on their inventions etc. and have
>every right for a 'ransom' for their info etc.

Cool! Go out and find Irving Langmuir's atomic hydrogen papers of 1912. Come
back here and post them on the web. The part about LEAD AMALGAM electrode
construction, may be of interest. This is for real. Let's see you live by
your words.

In a way, those in the know are probably trying to protect nieve people like
us from becoming just another statistic. Perhaps young fools like us should
be given access to this technology. Most of us would probably be stopped in
a real ugly way. I would work on this technology dispite such danger as a
patriotic duty. A few might make it to make a difference. The dangers
involved for us finding a way to use this knowledge wisely is less of a risk
than counting on luck to keep the icecaps stable in the near future. It's
not even luck, they'll just run and hide and leave us behind as they have
probably planned all along.

Don't complain because it is attitudes like yours that is creating the
situation in the first place. You don't want to give the inventor even
rightful recognition (nevermind fair compensation) and you want to make all


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