Re: Pyramids...the intrigue continues.

Barry Carter ( )
Sun, 25 Oct 1998 18:51:58 -0800

Dear Friends,

An American engineer named Chris Dunn examined various Egyptian artifacts
including the Great Pyramid and the empty sarcophagus and concluded that
they could only have been made using ultrasound and modern machine tools.
A fine article on this subject can be found on Laura Lee's web site at:

Chris has recently written a new book titled "Giza Power Plant" in which he
describes the various features of the Great Pyramid as portions of a power
plant for the production of energy. You can find more links on this
subject on Laura Lee's web site at:

David Hudson claims that the Great Pyramid was used to energize the ORMUS
elements. He also believes that the capstone of the Great Pyramid was made
of clear gold glass which is made by heating white powder ORMUS gold to
1260 degrees Celsius in the absence of oxygen. Here is a quote on this
from Hudson:

"Ah, I'll give you my opinion of what I think, how I think the king, the
Great Pyramid... You know that the Great Pyramid was, had an overlay of the
white limestone, and was painted in rainbow colors as they went up the side
of it. But the capstone of the Great Pyramid was gold glass, was a
superconductor. Literally the Great Pyramid was actually dug down and
built on solid bedrock because the Earth vibrates the Om vibration, the low
frequency vibration, then transfers up through the pyramid into the
superconducting material and literally is the vibration that charges the
superconductor. And I believe that when the gold glass capstone was on the
Great Pyramid, that literally at night, it glowed. And can you imagine
what a sight it had to be to be coming across the desert and see this huge
white, rainbow colored pyramid with this huge glow of light on the top of
it. You know?"

--With kindest regards, Barry Carter <>Blue Mountain Native Forest AllianceWEB Page: 541-523-3357Fax:   541-523-9438 Stupidity got us into this mess --why can't it get us out?