Re: CPU Slow Down
Fri, 23 Oct 1998 14:10:54 EDT

Norm et al;

I have been unable due to my overload at work to get to my personal mail.
This is the first time opening mail for a week. My mailroom was full. No I do
not believe your CPU slowdown could be the mail that was forwarded to KeelyNet
from JCSnooky asking validity of the Disney/Microsoft offer. Nor any of the
other multiple copies that were sent to us at KeelyNet.

Frankly I think that when people forward mail they accidentaly forward the
whole package which includes mail which was forwarded in the original
communication so multiple copies get forwarded. I have cursed the screen when
opening up KeelyNet before and saw many copies of the same communications
(Even from Jerry Decker!)

I wish everyone would learn to send forwarded mail without sending multi
copies. (check directions)
