LEA device and ethiopathie

ryb ( ashita@cyberglobe.net )
Sat, 17 Oct 1998 23:41:01 -0400

Sorry about the errors in my posting about the LEA device.Go to:


I do think that the LEA/Ohio device(aura therapeutic device) basically
work on the same principle..

Yes,prices of these devices is way too high($3,000).I think that you
could do sell them for less than $800 and still make a 100% profit...!

These devices do NOT have(or at least appear) to have complicated parts
or expensive devices needed to be attached to it like the Bare/Rife
generators,are simple to operate,do give next to IMMEDIATE results...and
appears to be very reliable..

If you are disgr\untled with yoru chiropractor and do no seem to be
gettign anymwher you might try to elarn more about ETHIOPATHIE at:

That site appears to be ONLY in French...They take a mecanistic view of
things but seem to be getting good results (French are rather
rationalistics;a cultural note-Belgians ar less,so are French Swiss and
French Canadians in Quebec ,at least ,are more in tune with the
California/New Age/Occult vibrations-the LEAST rationalistic people of
Canada,the more into New Age,the LESS traditionalists,the less


P.S. ON the Rife list there was and still is(?-I am no longer on that
list)a naturopath that was into RADIONICS,he even gave some radionic
secrets,on how to energize herbs which certain radionic frequencies with
your self-built device..perhaps someone on this list could put that chap
in contact with the one on this list
wishing to build such LEA,etc devices..