Re: Cold Fusion & ORMUS

Barry Carter ( )
Sat, 17 Oct 1998 17:57:58 -0700

Dear Friends,

The ORMUS elements appear to interact with water and, perhaps, oxygen in a
fundamental way which is related to the zero point frequency of these

At 09:01 AM 10/16/98 -0500, Meat Truck wrote:
>We have had movies and hints about this supposed magical resonant
>frequency of water.It was my last understanding that 88,000 hz. was good.
>I'm sure that anyone in the field has recognized that a pulsating DC might
>deliver special effects a la Brown's gas.

There are strong indications that the ORMUS materials have a gas phase,
probably connected to water vapor, at normal temperatures. David Hudson in
his Portland workshop said:

"This little zero point frequency I showed you between the positron and the
electron; if you follow that right up the electromagnetic spectrum, it
agrees with the molecular frequency of hydrogen dioxide, or water. So
there is an affinity for this material and water. That's why it is
normally taken in water. When you come to understand that your body is, in
fact, mainly water. That, literally, this material when you distill water
it distills with the water as the oridide, the iridide, the ruthidide, just
like chlorine. And so if you distill water thinking you are getting high
purity water, it goes with the water. And it literally changes the bond
angles of the water. That one iridium atom controls 56 waters of hydration
around itself. And all the bond angles of all 56 waters are altered when
iridium is present. I haven't carefully studied the research work of
people working with water but I strongly suspect that their water isn't
completely pure and they are finding that the bond angles can be changed.
There is something else besides H2O in the water."

In his Dallas presentation Hudson said:

"It's called the "white dew", the "white condensate", "the white dove" or
it's depicted as a white feather in the alchemical texts. Because that's
the way it was purified as a volatile material. Okay? All of the symbols
of being fed by a dove, or receiving the white dove, is always an
alchemical symbol."

A theoretical model for the properties of the ORMUS materials in water
would have to account for the various properties which have been observed.

According to our observations the ORMUS materials are superconductors.
When these superconductors are in the presence of a moving magnetic field,
they will levitate on that magnetic field. These superconducting elements
are abundantly present in some, perhaps all, water.

If you collect the ORMUS elements from a spring and from 300 meters
downstream and convert them to their metallic counterparts, indications are
that the ORMUS elements are twice as abundant at the spring as they are 300
meters downstream.

The question is, where do the ORMUS elements go. We believe that they go
into the air. As these elements move across the earth's magnetic field in
the stream, they levitate into the air in water vapor and are dispersed.

We have observed some fairly dramatic examples of the magnetic responses of
the ORMUS materials. When these elements are abundantly present in a water
matrix and are in a sealed container, they can be induced to "tunnel" out
of the container by exposing them to a moving magnetic field. Liquid
droplets of the ORMUS water mix will frequently appear on the outside of
the container opposite the position of the magnetic field. For example if
the sealed bottle is place upright on a magnetic stirrer, the droplets will
appear on the top of the outside of the lid of the container.

We have seen this phenomena with sealed HDPE Nalgene containers and with
glass containers. If these materials are stored in glass containers, the
glass will eventually fracture at the liquid level.

The ORMUS materials have a peculiar taste in water. They are slightly
sweet and seem to slick the lips. Water containing concentrated ORMUS
materials also is more viscous and slipperier than ordinary water. Salt
seems to trap the ORMUS elements and keep them from evaporating with water.

For about a year, I worked with a gentleman named Gary who referred to
himself as "a kundalini awakened American engineer". In the course of our
correspondence, Gary demonstrated a sophisticated knowledge of chemistry,
physics, medicine and electronics. Gary wishes to remain anonymous but has
given me permission to quote from our extensive correspondence.

Gary wrote several emails to me with his explanations of the properties
that I have described. (Gary used David Hudson's acronym ORMEs to refer to
these materials.) Here are some excerpts from these email messages:

As far as your observations of the oily substance are concerned, I'm sure
you are aware, ORMEs are somewhat hydrophilic, and tend also to be
hygroscopic. How much so is in a proportion to how strongly their fields
are charged. In "solution", the Meissner field of each ORME is capable of
controlling a significant number of water molecules; how many, again
depends on the ORME's charge. In such a solution of ORMEs, the separation
between ORMEs, specifically, the distance at which energy normalization can
occur between them is extended by the presence of the water molecules, for
a given strength of Meissner field. It is similar to how inserting a
dielectric material increases the capacitance between two plates. The
plates may be much more widely separated when the intervening space is
filled with a material of hi-dielectric constant, than without it, for the
same capacitance. Likewise, the ORMEs can be further apart in water, and
still communicate energy between one another.

The effect of the Meissner fields in such a situation is to artificially
increase the apparent viscosity of the water. It produces a "stiffness" or
pseudo-viscosity which is a function of the concentration of ORMEs, and of
the field strength. The field strengths naturally normalize between ORMEs
under such conditions, so all individuals within the population come to an
equivalence in energy level (assuming mixed species), or to an identical
energy level between identical species. This is the explanation behind the
slimy, gelatinous consistency of aqueous ORMEs dispersions. This false
viscosity is the oily, glycerin-like consistency you reported.

The "viscosity" of the suspension may be altered drastically and
dramatically, as a function or cause of anything which affects the Meissner
fields. For example, placing a sample drop in a magnetic field, well in
excess of Hc2, will suppress the extent or range of the individual Meissner
fields and (unless other field types, as I alluded to before, are
operative) the viscosity may be observed to diminish, particularly if any
macro-currents were present.

I'm sure that you also, by now, have a clear understanding of the tunneling
actions ORMEs are capable of when sufficiently charged. I suggest the
following as an explanation of your pipetting descriptions. We might assume
that the liquid you observed within the bag, and between the petri dishes
had formed from ORMEs, sufficiently charged so as to tunnel out of their
containers, and that's how they came to be in those places.

Hence the high "viscosity" upon drawing them into a pipette. The aqueous
ORMEs suspension which you found accumulated on the inside of the Nalgene
lid may be conjectured as being insufficiently charged, and incapable of
tunneling, and so became trapped there. Upon bringing the low charge
ORMEs suspension (from the lid) into contact and communication with the
highly charged (viscous) ORMEs in the pipette, the first thing that would
have happened would have been a instantaneous transfer and normalization of
energy between the two populations, with energy flowing from the material
in the pipette, to the newly introduced low charge material from the lid.
This normalization, or evening out of energy distribution, would result in
a new net energy level, below that formerly present in the solution in the
pipette. The drop in Meissner field resulted in the observed decrease in
apparent viscosity, that you saw.

=85charging the atomic-level ORMEs fields, such as by induction from moving
them in a magnetic field (or moving the magnetic field, relative to
them)=85increasing the strength of their pseudo-ferromagnetic properties (ie
making them more magnetic). This will be true, up to the point where their
individual Meissner fields begin to touch, which if/when this occurs
(again, depending on their inter-atomic spacing within the sample particle)
they will at some point (as an energy-communicative grouping) begin to
develop a macro diamagnetic Meissner field. Since natural ORMEs
(particularly in solution) may not be very close (on average) to one
another as individuals, this approach is an effective one.

The same thing ("magnetizing" the ORMEs) can be done faster with a
fluctuating field, as in transformer action, but doing it by mechanical
induction is intrinsically safer and somewhat self-limiting, and is far
less likely to blow apart the ORMEs Cooper pairs from over-charging.

[It] is ingenious to utilize this effect for the practical purposes of
collecting ORMEs materials from Nature. Because of the typically large
inter-atomic spacings of ORMEs in natural dispersions, pseudo-FM effects
are very important in this regard. The mechanical translation velocity
between the ORMEs and the field lines in [this] method largely avoids flux
embedding effects and consequences.

There are large quantities of ORMEs in sea water, and other similar salt
water bodies, as a result of eons of natural accumulation. The unique
field properties of ORMEs may also be harnessed, to discriminately separate
or "sieve" them out for extraction. The uniformity and pumpability of the
brine carrier medium makes this a considerably simpler and more direct
approach for recovery than the processes necessary to extract ORMEs from
volcanic rock=85It is potentially far more benign (it seems to me) from an
environmental cost standpoint, to pump water out of the sea, extract the
ORMEs, and then return it, rather than obtaining ORMEs from tertiary
volcanic deposits by excavations. The relative percentage of gold, mostly
as partial ORMEs chlorides, is also significant.

Barry, perhaps Dr. Pitkanen's estimate of 10^13 Hz (30 microns) for the
light frequency of Cooper pairs rings a bell with you, from DH's lectures.
Do you recall DH's discussion of the electromagnetic zero point? That is
what I am referring to.

In other words, I suggest that (though quite real mathematically and
physically) this is actually an artifact, generated by a zero point
interaction; phenomena of this sort are only beginning to gain marginal

The notch which Max Planck found between black body and solar radiations
occurs at about 4 microns. You may also recall that the doublets in DH's
near infra-red spectroscopy data for rhodium and iridium ORMEs show unique,
distinct zero point doublets, and are even closer to Dr. Pitkanen's figure.
These latter two fall within the resonance band for ordinary water
molecules, which has significant resonances at wavelengths between about
5-7 microns. As you can see, these are less than an order of magnitude from
Dr. Pitkanen's estimate.=20

Zero point coupling is also related to ORMEs' ability to interact with
water, producing the pseudo-viscosity that has been discussed. The EM zero
point in these phenomena is an important mechanism by which energy moves to
and from the vacuum energy field, and out of or into our own space-time.=20

There exist many zero point [ZP] doublets, within reach of our experience
(ie, associated with matter and energy phenomena we are capable of
manipulating). They are points where physical and transcendental resonances
occur simultaneously, ie, highly non-linear natural interactions between
matter, energy, and space-time. Each of these ZPs represents a point of
communication, through which energy may enter (or exit) our 3 dimensional
world from higher dimensions, the ultimate source of the vacuum energy.

The important thing to understand, is, that it is not necessary for a
particular wave's frequency to "match" the mid-frequency of a particular ZP
doublet, to experience this sort of transition. It is only necessary that
coupling exist between energy (or matter, or both) in our dimensions (for
example) and a zero point resonator. The presence of the appropriate
coupling circumstances with a zero point notch or doublet results in the
entrainment or discharge of energy, by means of coupling transfer. It is
the coupling to the doublet resonator (e.g. a water molecule, ORME, etc.)
which is important. The frequency "shift" of the coupled energy occurs as a
natural consequence of this, due to topological properties associated with
the zero points themselves. The zero points are not merely the specific
frequencies they happen to fall on, within the EM spectrum, but are the
result of the trans-dimensional resonator, which just happens to have
whatever frequency it has; tuning the 'right' frequency without or apart
from a ZP resonator does not constitute a zero point.


In our work with the ORMUS materials, we have made several observations
which are starting to provide the framework for a model which would explain
many of the alchemical phenomena. Here is a modern alchemist's comments on
this property:

Several references might be found in the alchemical literature for the use
of dew and rainwater (specially, when coming from a thunder storm near the
equinoxes), as having special properties which tap water wouldn't have. The
"Aurea Catena Homerii", for instance, contains a very interesting procedure
which PRS-PON students have tried. Basically, the water is left to stand
for some time, when an earth develops within it. Then the water is
distilled by fractions, which are then re-fractionated. Upon reunion of the
fractions with the earth, different things are obtained, depending on the
particular mixture of fractions which is being used. The earth is the Gur,
or universal prime matter, which is vivified by the water to produce a
vegetable, animal or mineral generation. Miraculously as it may sound, the
idea is you can generate an animal (or plant, or mineral) from that earth
when humecting it with the appropriate fractions. As was quantitatively
tested by one experimenter, best results were obtained when the rainwater
(which had to be previously purified by distillation, due to acid-rain
contamination) was electrified by means of a Van de Graaf generator. If dew
really rises up, then some sort of electrostatic charge may be present. A
popular alchemical text, the "Mutus Liber" shows how to re-collect and use
dew to produce the alchemical Stone. This is done by putting blankets
hanging on the air, so that the water does not touch the soil, which might
make it loose its charge. Some, however, have collected it just by drawing
the blankets through a pasture field, collecting the droplets from the
herb. Snow may also do, as the surface has not contacted the soil. The dew
is then, as the rainwater, separated into a water and an earth, to be
worked upon later. Again, water attracted by means of deliquescent
materials (potassium acetate, to name but one) is supposed to have special

Many alchemical recipes which use water, actually mention "distilled
rainwater" (distilled dew, or distilled snow, would be more or less
equivalent). So there must be a difference. Thus, if you add something like
"take distilled dew, and decoct it with your precipitate", your recipe may
begin to sound like an alchemical recipe indeed :)

One modern alchemist suggests the following method for collecting dew and
results of that collection:

"I have collected dew many times by using ice in plastic drink bottles with
a ceramic bowl collector underneath. The texts advise full moon periods and
spring is the best season. (collecting dew off grass is a waste of time).

Once, last spring, I collected in this way a 200 ml of clear dew that
seemed initially =91oily=92. I live in the countryside away from any
atmospheric pollution and the vessels were washed with distilled water. I
left this oily dew in a sealed jar and after a week there were small
brilliant crystals on the bottom. The dew was decanted off the crystals and
gently evaporated. What resulted was a white crusty salt that redissolved
with difficulty but was soluble in even weak acids. As it dissolved in the
acids, small bubbles were given off which I thought at the time would be
carbon dioxide. In water the pH of this matter is about 8 to 8.5. I still
have it in my lab and it might be best tested with a moving permanent=

The most effective methods for collecting dew would take advantage of the
magnetic properties of the ORMUS materials.

Fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field are related to tidal effects
which are generated primarily by the sun and the moon. When the earth's
magnetic field is most active might be the best time to collect the ORMUS=

When the Israelites collected manna in the desert, their collection process
was described like a dew collection process. The material they collected
was described as tasting like honey or a sweet oil.

EXODUS 16:13-16
And it came to pass, that at even the quails came up, and covered the camp:
and in the morning the dew lay round about the host.

And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the
wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the

And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It is
manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moses said unto them, This is the
bread which the LORD hath given you to eat.

And when the dew fell upon the camp in the night, the manna fell upon it.

The Bible speaks of the manna as having an oily texture and a sweet taste:

And the people went about, and gathered it, and ground it in mills, or beat
it in a mortar, and baked it in pans, and made cakes of it: and the taste
of it was as the taste of fresh oil.

EXODUS 16:31
And the house of Israel called the name thereof Manna: and it was like
coriander seed, white; and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey.

Hindu tradition speaks of the prana which can be collected from the air
using certain breathing techniques. For example Ujjai Pranayama is a
breathing technique which is said to collect prana in the throat by
inhaling and exhaling through the nose while the throat is constricted.

Chinese tradition mentions chi which is spoken of similarly and Hawaii'an
tradition also speaks of a similar substance in the air.

In his Dallas presentation, Hudson also suggests that it is possible to
take the dry ORMUS materials to a gaseous state:

"The neat thing about gold, as compared to the other elements, is that gold
can be purified by distillation. At 450 degrees elemental gold will
resonance disconnect from itself and will go over as a gas and be
re-condensed over here and be caught as white powder again. And so you can
purify it, back and forth, by repeated distillation, and get a very high
purity substance."

Other researchers have noted that the vaporization temperature of dry ORMUS
gold is 425 degrees Celsius and that the vaporization temperature of dry
ORMUS rhodium is 900 degrees Celsius. The ORMUS iridium volatilizes at
5400 degrees Celsius. These vaporization temperatures have not been
independently verified.

--With kindest regards,=20Barry Carter=20<>Blue Mountain Native Forest AllianceWEB Page: 541-523-3357Fax:   541-523-9438=20Stupidity got us into this mess --why can't it get us out?