Re: Lets go fly a kite! / finance our projects

Bill Wallace ( (no email) )
Sun, 4 Oct 1998 15:32:47 -0400

>The Levitron magnetic top using superconducting material would be a cool
>way to do this without the need for blades.

One thing I have truly noticed with us as a society, we like the easiest way
to do things, call us lazy, but do you think the majority of people, once
knowing about the levitron, would want to buy one, or make it themselves?
It makes better sense on a distribution and support level for this products
to be made by a manufacturer and distributed to the public at the cheapest
cost in time and labor and money than to have everyone that wants one make
it for themselves. The path of least resistance.

>Wouldn't it be interesting if the so-called Searl and Hamel effect
>weren't really electrostatic but instead consisted of a high density
>magnetic field to produce repulsion against the earth's field?

It would be, but if someone wanted a flying craft, is it easier to use
existing technologies and cheaper costs, or to invent new technologies and
all the costs that incur, changing distribution and manufcaturing paradigms
all along the way, I think that our technology has enslaved us for this
reason, to many it seems to cost too much. If you are an average joe and
want a flying craft to get from the house to work, do you really think
people care which technology is driving the process, I think they would care
more for which one is cheaper and safer and most proven. Unfortunately that
slows progress.

>DeSeversky's ionocraft, basically a big balsa wood frame with high
>voltage to make it lift....hmm, high enough up so that the frame and
>wiring would be invisible....the problem is the power supply and
>camera...perhaps a rectenna array to pick up beamed microwave power to
>keep it aloft and with power to record.....

But a helium balloon is so much easier and cheaper.

>Heck for that matter, a balloon/dirigible could do it with known
>'s how to finance our projects!!!...<g>..I've seen a
>small remote power zeppelin for about $70.00....and a new catalog showed

YES! That was what I was thinking exactly, I have seen those toys too, mount
a little camera on them and voila, almost no noise and a great spy!