Re: Biopsy & spread of cancer fluids

Bob Paddock ( )
Tue, 29 Sep 1998 21:50:25 -0400

>Do not have any more biopsies, they spread the cancer cells. The
>research is clear on this....once you cut into a cancer cell and pull
>the needle ut you distribute the cells throughout the system. It is
>common sense that this will happen. The cells have no magical way of
>knowing that they should stop at the line and not cross over into the
>blood stream.

Jerry some place in the old BBS threads there was a discussion of
how medical waste deposited in a hospital could cross contaminate
the original 'host' of the waste. Do you recall the details?

An example might clear this up for others: Lets say I have some hideous
disease like Wilsons Syndrome. You have brain cancer. A skin biopsy
is done on both of us. The biopsy is analyzed for both of us. Both
biopsies are tossed in the same waste can.

Through some subtle mechanisms (Photo emitions? See this work on Quarts
vs Glass to allow transmission of disease through hermetically sealed
barriers.) I now get your brain cancer and you get my Wilsons Syndrome.

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