re: non-disclosure
Steve ( )
Sun, 27 Sep 1998 02:39:14 -0400
Concerning the information found at the following URL:
This message is being copied to an email list; because, the informationherein, (to some degree at least), will be applicable to some of themembers. It is also my way of giving public notice of your method ofoperations; which, at present are, (in my opinion), seriously lacking, inthe various areas listed below. Your attention is sorely needed, andurgently requested !
Dear Sirs,
The first thing that I, or any of my clients, will need from you, which Ido not find on your web site is an ironclad Non-disclosure form. I willgladly supply you with just such a generic form; which the inventors canthen copy, and alter to suit their needs. This is absolutely necessary indealing with inventors, who are NOT protected with a patent, or any otherlimited provisional variation thereof. Forcing them to disclose withoutone is not nice, let alone ethical !!!
The form which you have provided is, (at first glance), a red flag to me;and strongly indicates, that you are either grossly ignorant of thePROPER method of dealing with inventors; OR, you are intentionallytrying to get them to unwittingly open their 'Bar Date', so that they canbe taken advantage of down the line. Either way, you are NOT doingthings:
"The way they ought to be !!!!"
So, unless you can change your MO, (And, I do mean quickly!); then you can expect a barrage of bad press from me, on allfronts !!!
I will do this through the Internet, on radio, TV and on all points ofthe 'broadcast compass', where I could feasibly alert inventors to stayaway from you and your ilk !
Is there anything about this letter, that you do not understand?
I mean what I say, and I say what I mean!, AND I DO have the power totake whatever unscrupulous plans, which you and your cronies MAY have inmind; and wad them up and throw them in the can !!!
There is not an ounce of exaggeration, nor boast or brag about anything Ihave said here !!!
I have personally waged war on all the so-called 'invention submissioncorporation' types, and aim to see, that any and all of these companies,which expect monies 'up front' conform to ALL OF THE LAWS, which areapplicable !!!
I have done this; because, of all these type businesses, it has beensubstantially PROVEN that only a handful are legitimately, and properlylooking out for the rights and privileges of the very people, which theyCLAIM to serve !!!
If you are among the majority in the aforementioned crowd; then Istrongly suggest, that you find another line of work; because you areabout to lose your 'Sucker Base", and consequently, your financialbase along with it !!!
Stephen Brummitt