Bending light....

Michelle Webster ( )
Mon, 21 Sep 1998 22:21:40 -0500

from Danwinter again...


Again, practically speaking, this means that to get out of kindergarten
here, you need to lucid dream with the threads of enough
shamanic memory to remember where you turned, (Right at Orion, Gilgamesh!)
to get your periscope up out of the astral
Bardo, into the Zero Point experience of the Galactic Core, the Ancient of
Days. (Otherwise your memory dies with your
body, soul-less.) And what happens then is rich. From those chromo-sums
were one phi-itch. The wave implosion in the DNA
began to braid unto completion of the ultimate concentric wormhole.

The colorful controversy was this: Should we, the kids of the angels, braid
our DNA (and fabricate our ecosystems), by
bending the light (magnetism) inside our bodies using emotion? Or, should
we, the kids of the angles, braid our DNA (and
fabricate our ecosystems), by bending light outside our magnetic bodies
using technology.


How do you bend light using technology?
