Re: Human gravity

Matthew Redmond ( (no email) )
Fri, 18 Sep 1998 23:02:19 +1200

Just had a thought as to another way of redusing the apparent "weight" of an
object. Be warned, this theory has more holes in it than...than...ah...than
something full of a lot of holes!!!

(I don't think the excuse of being too tierd is going to pull me out of this

I am going to use the theory of "we are made up of lots of different
frequencies of aether", and "aether is constantly flowing into our bodies in
a vortex motion to keep our bodies at a constant "weight." Now I assume
that the angle of decent of the little aether units is relatively constant
depending on health and vitality. However, I was wondering if you would get
a weight difference by altering the angle of decent of the vortex, but still
having the same number of aether units reaching the point of entry. Would
this act cause a difference in the forces against our bodies?

Could it be that not only the intake of aether can alter the weight of a
body, but also the angle of the decent of the vortex?...or

Hey, what about altering the input frequencies to select units of aether
more infaze or out of faze of the earth's input frequencies so that they
have more/less effect on the body?

I think I need to get out more!

Matthew "The man that sanity forgot" Redmond.