> From: Jean-Pierre Lentin <lentin@imaginet.fr>
> To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
> Cc: keelynet@DallasTexas.net
> Subject: Newman demonstration report
> Date: Tuesday, September 15, 1998 7:05 PM
> Hi all ! I found this anonymous report about Newman's demonstration on
> free_energy@onelist.com, Eric Krieg's skeptic list about FE (yeah, I'm on
> that list too... <grin>). Here it is (slightly edited).
> " I got there for two hours of it. The show went for less than that,
> and I had to leave in the middle of the ending questions. It wasn't as
> energetic as the Dennis Lee show I had gone to. It was still
> though. And a little strange at times.
> The room had the tables next to the door with the sign up sheets.
> The tables were in an L shape. The smaller table was going into the room
> from the door, and the longer tables went toward the front of the room.
> the corner were the books for sale. The $79.00 books. They were large
> cover. Then there was an order form to get a tape of the show.
> Next was a model of a couple of magnets made by Evan Soule. They has
> the lines of
> force around them and little beads on the lines. They were so that Soule
> could more easily understand what Newman was talking about. There were
> two stack of Soule's business cards. Then there were the charts of how
> magnetic currents work and a picture of Newman next to his car. There
> also a lot of newspaper articles about him on the table. Back next to
> tapes there was also some free literature. I got some extra copies to
> you.
> The chairs were set up in two sets of 49 chairs, 7x7 rows. An
> was in the middle of the room, and a tv with a vcr in front. There was
> a camera in front of the tv.
> The stage had the motor on the left side set on two supports. A
> long table in the middle of the stage had a microphone and some
> things. There was a dynamometer and a small motor. The small motor he
> talked about later.
> The show started with the tv. The tape showed old
> news reports of Newman's shows. One news station went to his house and
> tested it. They said that they used a couple of small batteries which
> run a normal motor for a little over a minute, and were discharged, to
> his motor for over an hour. They then put them into the first motor
> and they ran the motor for a couple of minutes. The tape also had him on
> show saying that his motor works because it works with a law that's not
> understood. That the magnetic field comes from the energy in the matter
> well as the current. He talks about getting a %100 matter to energy
> conversion on a part of the tape. There were physicists and engineers on
> the tape who said that they agree with it. Newman said that there's 30
> signed a paper saying that they do. I couldn't see all of the names with
> some people in front of me. Some got on the tape. The two I wrote down
> were Dr. Hastings, who Newman said later sold out, and the other was
> Spellman from Rayovac batteries. There was also a mention of Dr. Robert
> Smith from NASA and Dr. Morana (sp) who worked on the atomic bomb.
> Next Evan Soule spoke for a while. He mostly talked about how
> this was and compared Newman's problems with the patent office and other
> people to the problems of the the Wright brothers and other scientists
> ancient philosophers.
> Then Newman talked. He said that Evan had taken some people to
> house to look at the machine. He said that the engineers there said that
> worked.
> Newman started out talking about his beginnings at an early age
> wondering why bullets moving at high speed skipped off of water while he
> duck hunting, then blowing holes in trees. He read a thing in a Time
> on energy and said that he saw similarities in the lake experiment. He
> that no one could explain the changes in the field and a current as you
> a conductor to different positions. I guess you've probably already
> of his gyroscope particle theory that he uses to explain it.
> He talked about Hastings selling out. Hastings sold the small
> to the Johnson Motor company. He said that the smaller motor would run
at 3
> hp from 600 watts. He confused me because he started saying that 3 hp
> should be able to generate a couple of thousand watts.
> He got into conspiracies here. He said that the owner of the
> Johnson company is also the owner of the Mobile oil company. This motor
> that they stole also cools the wires instead of heating them from the
> current. He said that the company is selling that motor all over the
> for millions of dollars. They also had an ad for the motor. He says
> when he put the real information on the web, they took out their ad and
> a smaller one. He also said somewhere that they aren't making the same
> motor anymore. He's suing a patent attorney who said that the engineers
> didn't think it would work, even after they had said it did work.
> He turned to the dynamometer that he was going to use for the
> demonstration. He showed how it wasn't working and the demonstration
> couldn't be done with it. But the people could go onto the stage after
> show and they would rewire it to run without the dynomometer attached.
> Newman said that he met up with a guy named Jim, who was there,
> tried to help Newman with a company in the east. Alliance Motors said
> they wanted to build them. Newman said that he and Jim built most of the
> motor and they tested it. He said that the engineers there stuffed four
> magnets onto the ends and it wouldn't move. So he put two brushed on the
> ends instead and it moved slowly. He said that they tried to stop it but
> couldn't. They tried to push wood into it and that they tried putting
> boards on the ends and standing on them, but they couldn't get it to
> And he said that it wouldn't take in any more than 300 watts. The
> wanted to bring in GE engineers, but Newman wouldn't let them because of
> past problems with them and other engineers.
> He said that the head of the company signed a contract saying
> he would get all of the company in the east. He just couldn't tell
> about the machine yet.
> More of the conspiracy came up here. He says that they took the
> motor apart to keep him there and put it back together and couldn't get
> to work. They called the FBI, who held Jim at the company, and
> his wife over the phone. They threatened to go to his house on his son's
> birthday and arrest Newman. He said that they hired an attorney to say
> the contract never existed.
> Then it was the questioning time. A question about the patent
> up. Newman said he has a patent. he said that the patent is in Mexico
> is also good here and in Canada because of NAFTA.
> The electric bill question came up. He said that he doesn't use
> machine on his house because the oil companies would just send people
> to dig up the house and check for any other power source. He said it
> happened to another person once who really had a steam engine running in
> basement. It would still make sense for him to use it, though. He keeps
> talking about how limited his money is, so selling energy back to the
> all the time would make him plenty of money, if it worked.
> He said he's going to start a company in Phoenix. He will be
> the motors and selling them to the people for about $5,000-$6,000. He
> that the one on the stage can run a 10kw generator, but the motor will
> take about 700 watts to run. Someone asked if it would run a 200 amp
> He said that most houses are 100 amps and the motor will run it. The
> person pointed out that it would need to be a 20kw generator for a 100
> 200 volt house. Things got confusing then about who's question he was
> answering. Someone else said that the motor would need to be about 4
> bigger to run a 200 amp house. Newman said that it doesn't matte since
> energy will still be free.
> Newman got into god. He said that a Rabbi from Israel told him
> he could create peace there with the machine and he had some vision from
> or something. He said that the Rabbi said that it was prophecy. The
> went back to New York and never contacted Newman again. Newman called
> and told the Rabbi that he knew who threatened him. The Rabbi said that
> they would all go to hell.
> Someone asked about the batteries. Newman said that the
> would need to be replaced after about four years, but he knows that
> batteries can be made to withstand the recharging from the machine.
> They were getting close to getting the ends off of the motor. He
> said that it would run at about 10-15 hp and that he would give people
> gloves to try to stop it. He said that it wouldn't be given any more
> 700 watts. he also told the people that they could try stopping it by
> standing on it if they wanted.
> He's suing the government for their part in his problems. And he
> said that God gave him the patent in Mexico. I don't think he meant it
> literally.
> I missed a little of what happened. Mostly just more people he's
> proven it to and more conspiracy stuff. Rayovac batteries had some
> with him to make a better battery and then turned on him. Milton Everett
> (sp), who was there, brought Mississippi DOE people to Newman's house
> them it works. Things like that. But that's generally what happened.
> can listen to the tape when you get it. It's a little hard to hear at
> times, but it's mostly understandable."
> (end of report)
> (re-posted with Eric Krieg's permission)
> --
> Jean-Pierre Lentin
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