your 'question'

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 06 Sep 1998 01:05:11 -0500

Hi Jon!

I know you only through your beautiful design of the March Logo so I am
at this point unclear as to your depth of involvement in technology or
the march effort, so forgive me if I'm not clear on what you are asking
or for what purpose.

You wrote;
Quotes from Jerry Deckers Web Site..the KeelyNet'

2) The other people, mostly the Skeptics, are the ones who simply
cannot comprehend that there are indeed forces in the universe which
we don't understand.

Point number one - there is no such thing as a closed system as long as
there is gravity and zpe flows into mass, therefore you can get energy
from OUTSIDE what is claimed to be a CLOSED system.

Point number two - there IS 'perpetual motion' as is evident in the
rotation of planets, the orbit of those planets around the sun and the
orbit of electrons around the nucleus. Our problem is quite simple, how
do we tap into these forces to drive our machines and produce all the
power we need?

The aphorism, 'As Above, So Below' is I think indicative that our
ancestors knew far more than we give them credit for.

you also say sir,

"we all have work to do and a part to contribute to making free energy,
gravity control and electronic health a reality, so if anything REAL
pops up, you'll see a 'heads up' on KeelyNet either as a source

what gives jerry?
I miss the point of your question entirely. Here is how I see it.
You posted the quotes and the single question to the Renergy list.

Renergy means renewable energy, meaning known, working technology.

ZPE does not work.
Cold fusion is not commercial or reliable.
No other F/E or O/U device is commercial or demonstrable as tested by
independent parties.
Perpetual motion to my knowledge is not proven beyond toy versions like
the Finsrud machine which barely pushes a steel ball around a circular

And of course hemp has no bearing whatsoever on energy, renewable or

Are any of the above statements incorrect?
If so, where?
In the early days, I informed Richard of a few things I felt would
absolutely ruin the chances of success for the March, these included;

1) October of 1998 was WAY TOO SOON to pull this together and it
would either fail or have only a small attendance with nowhere
near the splash it COULD have if properly organized over time,
people even today have to be educated on renewable energy and
how it could significantly impact our overseas involvement, the
worldwide ecology and even our daily lives.
2) ZPE (and I would be one of the FIRST to promote something that
works) is totally unproven as a power source so it would drag
all kinds of weirdness and attitudes into the mix which would
greatly jeopardize the credibility of the march. Richard thinks
not, just so, its his baby.
3) Cold fusion is a lab phenomenon at this point, not stable or
remotely commercially viable, it too has all kinds of negative
press and would further drag down the march credibility. Richard
disagrees on this too, again, his baby, his option.

You will note I admit I know of no working free energy or overunity
device and until I and a couple of sources I trust have tested such a
claimed unit or unless its available for purchase as a standalone unit
as claimed, there is no need to lie about it. It works or it doesn't,
at this time, I know of nothing which works.

So you see I have a vested interest and PREFERENCE for overunity type
devices, initially I had to think whether it was worth doing anything
for the renergy movement.

On consideration it became apparent that it would be a launching stage
for the next energy generation systems and this I brought up to Richard
as my main reason for being here, this means that I saw the Renewable
Energy March as planting seeds for;

1) getting people to THINK about how adopting renergy could be good
for the country, the environment, the world because;
a) we would no longer have reason to meddle in the business of
other countries under the excuse of 'national interest'
meaning of course OIL because we would co-generate much of
our own energy needs from natural sources
b) the less oil burned as fuel for electricity generation, the
less sulphur and other ecologically damaging byproducts

2) a 10 year old kid suggested TAX INCENTIVES for all who invested
in cogenerating or generating their own power needs

3) if people begin installing and maintaining (just like a car)
their own renewable energy systems, and get to THINKING about
energy, not only will they use it more wisely but they will
inevitably look for better ways to produce it

#3 of course leads to the inevitable invention and use of practical
overunity devices when people see a serious market for it because so
many others will have, by virtue of USING their own renewable energy
system, either drastically reduced their dependence on grid power or are
completely off the grid.

The benefits are enormously positive for everyone and the world at

I also brought it up that automobiles and vehicles were the single
largest fuel users and polluters which is why we need to focus on
running engines on hydrogen taken from electrolyzing water, if not
burned as fuel directly in combustion, then run at high pressure in a
fuel cell to produce electricity that drives motors and runs appliances.

So we have to deal with reality, not the fanciful ZPE or Cold fusion
dreams. David Dennards Whirlpower is totally unproven also and has no
place on the list.

The point is the March as I understood it was not for speculative
sources, but for using what WORKS as known renewable energy
technologies, if I am in error, Richard please correct me as that is not
what the original material said.

Technically, KeelyNet has NO interest in renewable energy in the known
forms, however, I thought Richard had a good idea and if he would quit
trying to please EVERYONE, it would get much better and the chances for
success would greatly improve.

But its his baby and I still want to see it happen with him getting full
credit for it as 'instigator'..<g> this point it will wind up
something like this recent so-called 'youth' march intended to be 1
million but instead only saw about 30,000, apparently with agendas that
were totally different from the stated purpose as a 'Youth Rally'
according to all the news I saw..I want no part of anything like that...

That is exactly what is happening with the focus of the March and the
only good thing I can see about it, is it is happening NOW instead of at
the actual March. Of course, if the confusion and flakiness continues,
there is not likely to BE a March, but Richard will determine how far it
will be allowed to go.

I am still in support of the original idea, but when it comes to ZPE,
cold fusion and hemp, there is simply no correlation because I
understood the focus was on known WORKING techologies. Not a pessimist,
just a realist.

Jon, I was and still am unclear on exactly what your qeustion was
getting at. Renewable energy is not ZPE or cold fusion or o/u simply
because they are at best lab queens that die on their own.

Solar works.
Wind power works.
Hydropower works.
Tracking Fresnel lenses with pyroelectrics works.
Geothermal works (though not practical independently)
Wave power works (though not practical independently)

All of the above tap into natural forces and are thus renewable.
Anything out of these parameters (unless I've missed something) will
simply confuse the March focus and help to make it fail.

For those reading this to see what is going on, check out the renewable
energy page at;

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187