Re: JERRY re: Q-UNIT - Re: Stasis Field

Don J. S, Adams - ( (no email) )
Thu, 27 Aug 1998 19:22:13 -0500

OK, well I simply do not know what to make of the Innergy coin...
it is beyond my grasp or reasoning... I confess...I cant see how
such a thing would work.. the Q-unit is also a bit of a stretch for me
as there doesnt seem to be any real hard data or even a good
semi-technical description of what it actually does, as far as I can
tell... BUT at least it appears to have some kind of circuitry I
guess... but then it has no power source of its own... so guh....
hokay, anyhow I'd be interested in chipping in some dough to buy
one if you might be interested in taking the thing apart and figuring
out how and if it worked... then we could post the plans on Keelynet?
I figure if we get around 10 people all chipping in 10 bucks then we can
just get one? Any body else out there on Keely willing to send in 10
bucks for this? And Jerry could you reverse engineer the sucker do ya
think? Let me know people!!!! LEts actually collaborate on something