Reply to Jerry Decker'c comments on 'Countdown to Disclosure...Suggestions?'

ZPE ( )
Thu, 27 Aug 1998 20:10:44 -0500

Greetings all!
Jerry Wayne Decker, the KeelyNet list administrator, had some very good =
comments that I wanted to reply to and share with all those who are =
aware of our recent announcement.
Jerry wrote:
* Certainly you must understand some of the skepticism about
* your claims and this tease method of release. Just do it and
* get it over with.

ZPE replies:
Yes, I can certainly understand it. However, there is no other way to =
accomplish our goal, which is actually quite simple. See if you can =
follow this...
Let's first establish the facts (whether recognized as such or not)...
1) We have one TRUE answer to free energy (there are other true answers =
but we have at least one of them).
2) We are absolutely determined to see our technology developed and =
marketed within the next few years.
3) The chances are VERY high that the F/E community will be making one =
or more major revolution-starting breakthroughs in the very near future.
4) We have specific charities that we believe should benefit the most =
(financially) from our discoveries.
5) The only way to insure those charities benefit the most over all =
other charities and "good causes" is to take advantage of our strategic =
market position NOW to develop and market our free-energy technology =
BEFORE others begin to do so.
6) Since we do not have access to the financial resources necessary to =
develop and market our technology, we need to locate and convince =
someone who does to help us "get to market" first..

Plan to disclose our discoveries to the entire F/E community in the very =
near future so that our technology WILL be developed in the next few =
years and we WILL receive at least some recognition which will open some =
doors of opportunity for us, but first open a 10-week window of =
opportunity for one member (person or company) of the free energy =
investor community to establish a business relationship with us to be =
able to be the first to develop and begin marketing F/E technology in =
partnership with us, thereby achieving our charity goals.
Jerry wrote:
* Put your name or your company name all over it and post it
* globally so that all will know WHO did it. Let the winds of
* destiny decide your reward when people everywhere can
* see the proof of it as built by their own hand.
* Give enough information that people can at least see how
* it can happen or do a tabletop experiment to verify it. =20

ZPE replies:
This is our plan... AFTER we've given our FIRST choice a chance.
Jerry wrote:
* Surely if you are one of us, wanting to see just one honest
* working overunity machine before your time is up, you would
* realize most of us root for anyone the first time, until they
* either can't or won't back up what they claim.
* This is similar to the religious/ufo cults where people give
* all their possessions to the charismatic leader, meet on the
* mountain top and we'll all be saved when whoever comes
* down. When whoever is a no show, well then never mind,
* go back home, if you still have one.

ZPE replies:
Since we are not self-seeking fools, as many may have been, the above =
scenario will not happen. Of course, no one will know that for sure =
until it's all said and done. That's unfortunate, to say the least, but =
we can't see sacrificing our potential ability to help the charities of =
our choice to avoid causing some people to feel they are being teased =
for a few weeks. We certainly would have taken another route if it =
existed, but it doesn't. Hard choices have to be made. We choose to =
push to alleviate the lifelong suffering of the many that we believe =
deserve it the most rather than prevent the short-term anxiety of a few. =
Any upright, moral and ethical person would do the same.
Jerry wrote:
* So, let's run through some scenarios with this tease
* countdown method, here is the prioritized version;
1) you actually do have something and when your countdown ends, you =
release it in a form that anyone can prove, congratulations
2) you actually do have something and when your countdown ends, you are =
funded to verify and produce them so that we can all buy them IN A
TIMELY FASHION, congratulations again
3) your countdown ends with no sponsors and you change your mind and =
fade to obscurity, leaving yet another pseudo-legend that was never real

ZPE replies:
Number 1) is our choice #2,
Number 2) is our choice #1 and
Number 3) is NOT AN OPTION, not for us, not for mankind!

Jerry wrote:
* Anxiety, expectation, wariness, hope, all building like a giant =
'archetype' capacitor that might discharge when your countdown ends, to =
feed into a signature forcing reality to bend to this new pattern and =
thus altering the free energy paradigm with your vortex method?
* Is this some new way to make things happen? Ok, we shall see.

ZPE replies:
Again...choices have to be made.
Thanks, Jerry, for taking the time to comment!
Best Wishes,