BETAR-type device question

Steve ( )
Thu, 27 Aug 1998 01:58:22 -0400

Hi all,

I have a question.. I've read that the BETAR produces similar
results to floating in a tank of saltwater, but I've only read
about relatively short term exposures.. (30-60 minutes) what would
happen if someone were to stay in a BETAR or similar device for
6 or 8 hours? could it have any negative effects on the body?

In the past few days I've started thinking about an old idea I had,
which is similar to Don's "energy chamber", but originally it was going
to actually be a saltwater tank with a big rubber cover that you lay on
(so you wouldn't get wet or drown if you fell asleep) but that would
still let you float.. Now however, my idea consists of a large
chamber that you lay inside, on one of those "astronaut chairs",
and the chamber closes and is filled with either a super oxygenated
atmosphere or a less oxygenated atmosphere.. (I don't remember which
is supposed to be better for you, I've heard claims for both..)
There would be some sort of sleep inducing system operating, to keep
you in REM sleep for probably around 8 hours.. while you are asleep,
your muscles are being relaxed, and your body is treated with a
Rife tube or some other device like that, keeping you healthy..

Anyway, I'm sure I'll think of some other things to put in this by
the time I can afford it, and have learned enough to actually know
how to build it.. hehe.. Don, I'd love to share some ideas with you
about this idea, and hear more about your energy chamber..


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