Cancer - dissolving the fibrin sheath

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 22 Aug 1998 23:50:04 -0500

Hi Folks!

Disclaimer: this information is not in any way promoting, prescribing
or suggesting any kind of medical treatment, it is simply
an account posted for information and entertainment. If
you have medical issues, please consult a qualified and
licensed medical practitioner.

The following information is shared with KeelyNet anonymously as it
might be useful to you and your loved ones. Please share your findings.
Seems that cancer hides itself from the immune system by producing a
fibrin cover. Fibrin is a component of blood that produces clotting, we
best see it as a scab with all the little hairy egdes, that's fibrin.

So, if the immune system cannot see the cancer because of the
invisibility provided by the fibrin sheath, it simply IGNORES THE

There is an off the shelf standard substance used to dissolve clots in
heart attacks called Streptokinase. About 5 years ago, it was noticed
in a woman patient who had cancer, that when streptokinase was given to
clear up clots in her heart, her CANCER DISSOLVED TOO!

Why? Because the fibrin sheath was dissolved, EXPOSING THE CANCER to
the immune system!!

I don't want to get anyones hopes up, but this is incredible!!!! Now,
this amazing person has located even more information that provides
further insights.

CD4 cells are the warrior cells that eat cancer. CD8 cells inhibit the
activity of the CD4 cells in cancer patients. It has been found that
Tagamet (known as Cimetidine) will cancel this inhibiting action of CD8
to CD4 cells as it unleashes these tigers to further destroy cancer

Our friend says in one remarkable case, simply the introduction of
Cimetidine to the patients bloodstream, IS REPORTED TO HAVE completely
cleared up a cancer patient in about two weeks.

So, based on what has been uncovered, this is our friends' suggested
protocol in the event our friend had to fight cancer;

1) An IV with a standard off the shelf dose of Streptokinase
to unmask the cancer cell by dissolving the sheath, this
lets the immune system see the cancer so that it can go
forth and destroy it.

2) take Tagamet/Cimetidine to release the CD4 warrior cells

3) take an immune stimulator like typhoid vaccine to bolster
the natural healing activities of the immune system

This is NOT spook medicine and is all based on KNOWN medical truths but
which have been correlated by our friend and our friends contacts.

Please pass it on to anyone you feel might find it of use.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187