Re: The chat room and Plasma Tube help

Steve ( )
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 23:31:05 -0400

> was very impressive and perfect redneck technology...

Sounds like a lot of the things I work with.. hehe.. Canadian Redneck
technology.. I'd like to learn more about fiberglass/carbon composite
molding, so I can create actual enclosures and pieces of equipment,
because some of the things I'm working with right now are pretty basic..
one magnet motor I made used an old screwdriver for the rotor, and the
magnets were on a piece of cardboard.... worked ok until the cardboard
warped due to the weight of the magnets.. oh well..

Another one was my bedini-style magnetic gate made out of an old
roll of masking tape with magnets inside.. that was fun to play with. ;)

Anyway, about the sound card powered rife device.. was it a straight
connection from the speaker-amp-ignition coil? I'm not very good
with electronics if it wasn't, and requires other stuff..


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