Re: The chat room and Plasma Tube help

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 21:47:31 -0500

Hi Steve et al!

You wrote;
> Yeah.. ever seen those "plasma globes"? If you connect a large
> light bulb to a HV output terminal, that's what you get.. I'm
> not sure what color the plasma is for argon........

Something fun to do, find an old wrecked car or go to your local auto
parts store, buy an ignition coil. Take the audio output of a sound
blaster and run it through an amplifier. Connect the output of the
amplifier to the ignition coil, then hook that to one of those plasma
globes...way cool, way simple and you get the neatest patterns with
music...currently being used by some local inventors as a cheapie Rife
Plasma Tube..

I'm also told you can use a neon bulb with a similar type driver, talk
about cheap!!!

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187