Re: Please do NOT relicate...Different aspects of water

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 11:55:39 -0700 (PDT)


I really like the way you include URLs in your email to backup or
clarify what you are saying. Its a very considerate thing to do and
saves us from having to hunt down the reference.

Some claim that water that is more alkali is the best water to drink.
There is an excellent book whose name I can't provide as I am at work,
but it is by a fellow named Thomas and is something like - How to
Reverse Aging. It promotes this alkali premise and has TONS of
excellent documents and correlations in the book. When I get home, I
will post the name and title, only about $20 and its well worth it.
Met him at a conference and though he is about 50, he looks like he is
about 35. There is a device that is sold that produces 'microwater'
that alters the pH to make it more alkali and supposed to be more
healthful for you.

Others claim the colloidal water is best. These claims are based on
the work of Henri Coanda who lived with the Hunzas. They live in a
valley that is about 200 miles long and which has glaciers all around
that pulverizes the minerals to very, very fine powders....when mixed
with the water and frozen, you see it as a pale blue ice because of
this colloidal suspension.

This was followed up and promoted by Patrick Flanagan. He claims the
colloids provide a much denser surface to the water, allowing it to
hold more charge, referred to as 'zeta potential'. The higher the
zeta potential, the better the food or fluid is for you.

Flanagan also did extensive tests with a device that measures the
surface tension of water. He found that organisms fed water with very
low surface tensions would grow larger and be much healthier. The
term 'surfactant' refers to this lowering of surface tension and is
used in detergents to help release dirt more easily from fabrics.

At least one person claims the HIGHER the surface tension, the better
it is for you.

It is interesting that North pole energy has a contracting, alkali
producing effect where South pole is expanding and produces acid

At one time Walter Baumgartner was selling a pottery vase for about
$300.00. It was based on the work of Schauberger and provide an
implosion vortex for water stored in the unit and kept cool. It had a
small pump and pulled water from a storage chamber in the bottom to
squirt it so that it followed a spiral path, condensing at the vortex
focal point. The water thus became energized and life giving.

Two tests I've heard of to determine the vitality or life-giving
effects of water;

1) the wasserfadden (water fountain) where water is
shot at nearly 100psi through one of those
needles you use to air up a football or basket
ball - the water is shot into an insulated
container from a height of about 5 feet - as it
exits from the nozzle, it becomes subject to
the Lenard effect where the water is forced to
separate, producing high voltage - these highly
charged water droplets will levitate up and
orbit the nozzle while glowing a pale blue - I
saw Walter do this in Los Angeles and he says
the water normally glows a bright blue but the
LA water was 'so dead' (had such a low capacity
to store the zeta potential) that it just barely
glowed and levitated.

2) the other experiment had to do with placing a
wire connected to a neon or other high voltage
transformer, then suspending it over the water
to be tested - the higher the water jumped up to
meet the electrode, the greater the zeta
potential (this is written up somewhere else
in these archives as it was told to me in a
phone conversation)

Anyway, sounds like someone could make a zeta potential tester and/or
a local zeta potential increaser for fluids and foods before you
actually take them, thereby ensuring you only take the highest charged
foods and fluids...much along the lines of the plant vitality tester
discussed in earlier posts.

I really like the idea of taking only harmonious foods and fluids into
your body because you could not test them to ensure they were within a
minimum acceptance level.
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